Painting side walls, cleaning; to took just 3 rolls [of wallpaper] cutting & 3 side for our kitchen. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came had dinner here, also did Henry, he was working up here. Mrs. Alice Brand & Lucille & Zita Carol were here, short visit of about ½ hr; she wants to go to several places here in town; all look the same yet; getting older of course. Eggs 21¢. Sheriff Gauen got 2 hams 25½ lbs. at 25¢ this afternoon.
Wednesday, Sept. 19, 1934
Leona & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary all were here papering all day, had dinner, Brand’s also had supper here, Henry is harrowing here. We went to Red Bud to the drawing, none of us were lucky. Fred Wiegand, Mary Braun, were the only lucky ones from Hecker. It was an awful crowd.
Monday, Sept. 17, 1934
We washed, ironed. Henry, Leona & Billy were up had dinner, Papa & Henry went down to School House got there corn & hog checks, Henry got a $90. check, & papa $43. & $2.40 from Ed. Pabst contract, but it is not all straightened out yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up, she & Berti went to see Mrs. Staufenbiel. Papa & Rosi went to Red Bud, wanted to get oil changed but it is all o.k. also wanted for all paper, but couldn’t get none; brought some home made liver sausage along all had supper here. Gus Klotz brought lime dust spreader home here again. Manier’s had a fish fry & dance Sat. night, selling fill all day yesterday 15¢; didn’t have much of a crowd. Mr. George Schilling & Ben left last Tues. for Indiana to see the sisters come back last night, Sister Brunslava, one that used to be a sister in the Hecker Schools, several years ago send a pin with them Lizzie Boll; she surely was happy about it.
Sunday, Sept. 16, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed in Hecker over night, had dinner here. She & Rose went to Mrs. Staufenbiel’s to fit on her dress. This afternoon we all went to Ruma, were thousands of people attended the Mission Rally Father Kaiser of Belleville & Fr. Sheridian of China were the speakers. K.C. Band furnished musci [sic], Benediction was held; also a microphone speaker was had to carry the voice far; the grounds were just crowded with people, & had a wonderful day; refreshment’s were sold on grounds. John Myerscough’s youngest daughter Margaret Mary who is attending school there, took us all through the convent; met several girls in there Celia Krehrer, & Isabel Forness. Jonny Kreher’s boy & a Vogt from near Red Bud had a collision, both cars damaged pretty bad, in front of church this morning being Kreher’s fault. A man stopped took 6 doz. eggs at 22¢. Nights are awful cool.
Saturday, Sept. 15, 1934
Papa went up to Wm. Fritsche to get some repairs done for the grass mower. There were 3 people from St. Louis Walsh’s & Mr. Ducan [? – illegible] the latter fixing a truck at the home of J. Kraft near Waterloo, they skidded hit a passing truck, & were all three killed, Mrs. Walsh was a Kraft. Raining again this morning & colder. Alice & Lucille are visiting at Mrs. Staufenbiel’s now, then they want to go to Joe Gregson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went out to Al. Cleveland’s to a party; had a most wonderful time, Oh! Boy, old time & modern musci [sic], furnished by Miss Miles & her band, & Uncle Fred; Papenberg & Parker; beer & cake were served, to people from far & near.
Friday, Sept. 14, 1934
Patched cut lawn, made cookies. Mrs. Rennecker came over got flower slips, we got some from her too also a fern stock. Rain last night, this afternoon again. Edwin Wachtel’s sister Mrs. Kate Head in now living with him, moved her things out last Sat. Elva Knapp oldest daughter of Henry Knapp & Kloft of St. Louis, were married Sun. evening at the Waterloo Evangical [sic] Church, at 7, o clock, her sister & Miss Edna Goedell a friend were bridesmaids the groomsmen were from St Louis. The bride & her maids were all dressed with back velvet dresses & white gloves.
Thursday, Sept. 13, 1934
Ironed, cleaned bedrooms. Papa made a small flower table. Emil stop on his way to L. Gregson’s; brought a letter here for us, that was in there mail. Mehrmann got eggs, 21¢ a doz. It rained all day again, all week so far day & nite.
Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1934
We washed, hung in the basement, raining out & cloudy weather, rain, nearly all night & thundering. Today Dr. Isselhardt, dentists start in Hecker again, Kammler’s upstairs, upend up again through the winter months; from 10-4. A man here selling apples $1.25 bu. & pears $1.00, we bought a peck to eat; awful good, but little; took our flower slips in, upstairs.
Tuesday, Sept. 11, 1934
We cleaned the two front rooms, waxed floors. There was a piece in the paper about the world coming to the end yesterday; not it will be in 1942 or 43 it said; a prophet claimed that; Alice & Lucille are now at Cleveland’s staying there.
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