Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Belleville got new dresses. A large truck of watermelons went by, stopped here & we bought 2 40¢, nice big one 50 lb. melons.
Tuesday, Dec. 31, 1935
Last day of the year. Pap & Berti went to Waterloo this morning, got egg mash, went to see Bershe & Ziebold’s Radios. Mr. Jerome Vogt came, counted our pigs & pap had to sign contracts. Papa went to Chris Buehler’s this afternoon, he bought 3 heifers $42 from him. An egg peddler Moll stopped looked at our cows, the one is sold, he might come back again later on, but the time the other one will have a calf. Mr. Streck came out & looked the cattle over, but didn’t buy.
Monday, Dec. 30, 1935
We washed, ironed. Papa went to town, mailed New Year cards for Aunt Mary. Joe Watchel’s butchering today. John Kaltwasser was nearly frozen stiff the other day, he is pretty old & lives by himself, didn’t have no fire, nothing to eat. Geo. Wagner came borrowed our scale to weigh some saussage [sic]. Mr. Chas Guebert & son came looked at our mare, but it is to small.
Sunday, Dec. 29, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Snowed all night; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile, finished the ice cream, that we made last night, but was to much, couldn’t eat it all yesterday, enough left for each a dish this morning. Steve Rennecker got 1 qt. milk wanted to make pumpkin pie today he said. We all went out to Uncle Freds had dinner & supper. Rob Knabe was out at Oscar’s from there he came here, so papa & Uncle Fred went home; papa sold the cow & calf to him for $65.00 to get it after the 1st. Fr. Aydt wasn’t at all satisfied this morning with the Christmas Collections, not enough; A Christmas party was held at the home of Henry Meyer at Belleville & there it was announced the engagement of Miss Dorthy Meyer to Odello Eichenseer of Here to be wed in the near future; she is employed at Endres Motor Sales Co. Mr. Karl Kammler 26 of Belleville & Mamie Roth 20 Mascoutah license were published, were married Christmas Day; at the Evangical [sic] Church in Mascoutah, the attendants being Alf. Kammler a brother & Anita Funk a cousin of the bride; the bride wore brown crepe dress & assessories [sic] to match, bridesmaids wore blue. going to make there home with the groom parents Mr. & Mrs. John Kammler of 712 Forest Ave; they also had the wedding supper there to which intimate friends & relatives were present. Mr. Fred Rothaug 38 – Miss Ida Bechtoldt 42 of Belleville, were married, she is Mrs. Geodelle’s cousin.
Saturday, Dec. 28, 1935
Pap took chev. to Probsts, & oil pump isn’t working, & he hasn’t any new ones there at present, so will have to wait till Tues; but he got it a going again this afternoon. George Wagner’s are butchering, got it from Gus. Klotz. Hy. Armstutz is doing the work. Beautiful morning snowed all nite, everybody is busy sweeping sidewalks this morn. Henry stopped in, he got crushing done this afternoon. Charles brought the mail. Monroe Feruer came papa had to sign Pabsts contracts papers.
Friday, Dec. 27, 1935
Berti got the mail; not very much in it; Mrs. Pautler of Red Bud 94 yr. old was buried yesterday, Dr. N.B. Pautlers mother. The homes of Frank Einwich & Oscar Gremp & Rev. Kochkeim were on blaze during these cold days & nites & high winds; but not much damage was done to either place. Pap was up at Probsts garage, this morning the new battery didn’t work right; he went out to Henry’s this afternoon, & then they went up to make wood. Eggs are only 24¢ today. Bert was talking to Emil in town & he says Uncle Adam’s very well at all. Leona is also down in bed again, papa said when he came home; she has malaria.
Thursday, Dec. 26, 1935
We made chicken dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Josie Keller of St. Louis was here; for dinner & supper, played cards this afternoon. The Smithon [sic] Catholic parish have a card party in there school hall to nite. Burgdorf of Red Bud got our jersey heifer, this evening $40.00, pretty good.
Wednesday, Dec. 25, 1935
Christmas Day. Went to 5 o clock mass at Red Bud. Uncle & Aunt called in then went home after church. We went out to Henry’s had dinner, Geodell’s were out to; Boys got all kind of things from Santa, wagon, coloring sets, lotto game, pocket knife, fountain pens from Grandma at Waterloo. Boy! did it get gold, snowing terrible this morning at 4 o clock it was warm at 6 & after it started in freezing & zero all day. The Evangical [sic] children have there Christmas program at the church tonite. In Red Bud they have a big lighted tree on Public Sq; drive around it.
Tuesday, Dec. 24, 1935
Pap & Rosalia went to Red Bud to John Schumacher’s funeral, so many people, the church was crowded; 11 priests with Fr. Stern. Fr. Schumacher & Harbaugh said mass; Fecklenburg sermon. Rose & Berti went out to Blackburn’s School, to see the program; It was pretty good; Alf. May’s boy was Santa. Quite a few people were there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she went to church, he went down to Red Bud. They went home & came back again, stayed in town all nite. Henry & family also came up awhile, got overalls, tablets, & tops etc. had candy, nuts, apples, cookies. Received Christmas card from Duddenhefers.
Monday, Dec. 23, 1935
We washed, ironed. Santa brought the Christmas tree, & decorated it. Papa went to town mailed the Christmas cards. Mr. Burdorf & son butcher of Red Bud was here & bought our Jersey Heifer $40.00, papa also sent him out to Henry’s, but he didn’t sell to him. We got card from Josie, saying she will be out on the 26th in the morning. Wm. Ganley came on business; this afternoon.
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