Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to Belleville got new dresses. A large truck of watermelons went by, stopped here & we bought 2 40¢, nice big one 50 lb. melons.
Saturday, Aug. 31, 1935
Tom & Simon Havey, were here to get papa to sign petition to get all weather roads through the blackjacks; all the land owners have to sign; they did have the farmers to sign, but now it has to be owners. Rain a little this morning, light sprinkle. We went to Belleville. Rose got new shoes $2.05 black. Awful cool nights.
Friday, Aug. 30, 1935
We cleaned chicken house; canned peaches got 93 qts. Made perserves [sic]. Henry & family came got pk. basket peaches to cook as perserves [sic]. Elmer Weihl has a baby girl born at E. St. Louis on Aug. 23, – 2 weeks later than Rochies [? – unclear], make 2 grandaughters [sic] of Louis Weihl. It was in the paper that Al. Eckert 15 of Hecker was arrested for speeding last Sun. night at Belleville.
Thursday, Aug. 29, 1935
Cloudy & rainy; this morning. We went to Waterloo took Aunt Mary along, also went to Columbia, got new dresses & R [Rosalia] got coat for $1.75. Uncle Fred came up & got her. again; got 16-14½-17¢ for springs [chickens].
Wednesday, Aug. 28, 1935
Henry & Emil & Grover putting up hay; had lunch dinner lunch; made 11 loads. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here a little, then went to the pinic [sic]. We went this evening, to the Catholic Church pinic [sic], but didn’t win a thing; large crowd. K C Band; Aunt Mary was lucky got pillow cases, & tea kettle, & Uncle Fred won the $10.00 chance first in book, Miss Mary Ann $5.00. Maria Braun $2.00 Jennie Coop bedspread Emma Birkner tapestry rug; Schroeder of Waterloo won ton coal & L. Dalkert a fancy quilt, the rest, rug & flour, gas went to Belleville. Willie & Jack Ganley had a razzling for a while, Jack wanted to fight with Hy Birkner, Ben Schilling took him down town; went home then.
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 1935
We washed cloudy day no sunshine, Mertz got 2 coops chickens, young & old we shipped to St. Louis 33 young & 15 old. Gus Klotz & Aeron Papbenberg went to Centralia yesterday & got peaches. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he helped to fix stands up for the pinic [sic] tomorrow. We went out to Henry’s this evening, put up hair.
Monday, Aug. 26, 1935
Henry came to make hay, had dinner, it rained all day, so couldn’t do nothing, went home again this afternoon.
Sunday, Aug. 25, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon, we went along with them to Columbia to the Homecoming, had a wonderful time seen the parade, was interntained [sic] by Jimmie & Dick Radio stars, boy! they were good; danced free in afternoon. came home, ate supper, then went to Totch’s at Paderborn. Boy! what a time fish & chicken fry; free dancing day & nite Schoenborn & Schaefer playing ; & large crowd; Hillsheim & Gus Frish were there advertising, the church pinic [sic] for Wed. Goe Griffin & Tillie Hafley were published 1st time.
Saturday, Aug. 24, 1935
Henry came, cutting hay, had lunch, dinner chick soup. Mrs. Lawrence Matthews is having a birthday dance at Pautler’s tonite, ladies free, Gents 25¢ Cowboy Orch. We went, stopped at Henry’s, then went to Pautler’s; not so much of a crowd.
Friday, Aug. 23, 1935
We canned peaches, tomatoes, pickles, baked pie. Henry came to cut hay, had lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon; it is there 37 Wedding Ann. today we went out this evening, had supper. Henry & family went to Waterloo to see a 10¢ show. Mrs. Mary Cody died last Sat. aged 74 yrs. she is Mrs. Perry May’s & Jack Cody’s mother. There sure was some fellow, entered the home of a aged couple at Maeystown & intended committing murder, but the gun didn’t fire; so he hit the couple unsconsious [sic], the door had been open & screen door wasn’t hooked; had blood hounds to trace it; & tracked through a woods to a car track so far nothing has been found, he left his gun lye, & it is at the Sheriff office at present. A robber also entered Louis Stadter’s home near Poe Station, gaining entrance by forcing the door open with an axe, Sun. afternoon, awhile the family were helping threshing took 2 suits clothes $4.00 each etc. & he wasn’t found either so far.
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