Papa went to Waterloo, & to Johanning’s sale by Burksville. Berti send her letters off to 5 people; & a dime to Mrs. Wilson Griffith of St. Louis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up; got a letter from Seyler & had it cashed. Geo. Wagner’s family also came. Leona brought the boy’s up they stayed all nite. Hecker road commissioner, gave his dance at Country Club tonite, free dance & beer. Art Geodelle had birthday dance at Pautler’s, Geodell’s band played; then they all went out to Heinken’s, played for him. Papa got Chas. Helfrich’s relief check for $16.00 from relief ass. for feed.
Friday, May 10, 1935
Beautiful day; but the ground is still terrible wet yet. We went to Belleville, Rose went to dentist & got the packing out of her tooth, all opened now. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up again this afternoon; we planted beans. Bertil got chain letter from Mrs. Kruse of Burksville; today Mrs. Rob. Merz of Waterloo was taken to St. Mary’s Hospital & operated for appendix, same day, last week; getting along OK present; Mr. Otto Horn was here. Mr. Davis of Belleville, here look at colt & horse.
Thursday, May 9, 1935
Baked bread & coffee cake. Our garage door was opened paper lying in back yard, but couldn’t see nothing done or anything, don’t know. Rose & Bertie went out to Henrys helped paint, scrub; the kitchen is finished now; that is painted wall & doors & floor. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Eggs are 21¢. We joined the prosperiety [sic] club, my dime went to Murphysboro Ill, to Flora Lees.
Wednesday, May 8, 1935
Rain this morning; then sunshine & windy. We went to Belleville, Rose & papa went to Dr. Wagner dentist, Rose got wisdom tooth pulled, terrible one, took at exray [sic] first, it grew backwards she was in the chair 2 hrs; having it pulled out, cost $5.00 wit exray [sic] $2.00 & medicine; she came home, went to bed. The stove foundry men aren’t working today, on a strike up there again, its awful. It sure is dangerous in Belleville now, there looking any time for the electric plant to blow up, people watch day & nite, found dynamite sticks all over the yard already, search every strange car that passes by, orders is if they see any one, should shout right away, its awful up there. This evening at 9:30 alarm ring, fire at Mrs. Staufenbiel’s house, papa went over; fire department came & soon had it out, burned hole in the roof on Volkman’s side, the nurse had put a grease rag in the stove & damper opened it went straight up, sparks set fire on the roof. Mr. Volkmans is getting along pretty good now, fever is gone but he is awful weak; he asked what the noise was when they started water on the roof, they told him, washing machine was going out in the shed. Good many people came right away, helped Roy was up L. Armstutz car was backed out of shed.
Tuesday, May 7, 1935
Ironed, patched this morning. Papa went to Red Bud, got 100 lbs. growena, from Zipfel. We went out to Henrys this afternoon cleaned hall & papered kitchen. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, & we all went to the Catholics euchre, & what a crowd, not many prizes, $1.00 attendance prize was won by Clyde Pautler, of Evansville, 11 points was the highest, Max Welabacher took 1st prize, get 25 chip from Ed Parker, Bertie had 3 got bottle white shoe cleaner, Uncle got stationary, rest got nothing.
Monday, May 6, 1935
We washed, hung it in the basement, cleaned chick house. Went out to Henry’s this afternoon, finished the front room, put wax floor & furniture, beat the rug etc. Emil was down awhile. Uncle Adam’s birthday 86 yrs old; girls were home yesterday he said. Mr. & Mrs. Gus Geodelle came out, Henry has a sick heifer. Eggs 21¢. Rose took old hens to Eichenseers, got 16¢ for 6 – .08 for 1. Hy Volkmann is pretty sick, has double pneoumiana [sic], have a nurse there now at nights; no one is allowed in, only the ones that take care of him. Tiptown parish is giving euchre tonite. Mrs. Neff is getting buried this morning, from the home of Ben Neff to Paderborn, church & cemetery; that is his mother, also Mrs. Joe Schilling.
Sunday, May 5, 1935
Went to church. Rain again this morning; Started furnace fire again, went to bed early this evening. The Bischoff came to Waterloo for confirmation, & afternoon to Columbia. Vic Eichenseers have a little baby boy since Fri; was christened this afternoon. Donald.
Saturday, May 4, 1935
Leona brought the boy’s up, they went to St. Louis to get permanents, Annie went along to. Awful cold again. Rain a little this morn. We went to Waterloo to Pautler’s Wedding dance of Red Mueller & Heller what a crowd. Pals of Harmony furnished musci [sic] didn’t start till 9 o’clock. The bride wore lace green dress & silver slippers, & bouquet pinned on, the bridesmaid wore blue crepe; the groom is driver for the Farm Bureau Service Co. Raining all night, it was awful; still everybody went.
Friday, May 3, 1935
Papa 57 yrs old today. Rosalia went to Red Bud got chick feed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, for supper & in evening. Henry & family came to this evening, had cake, etc. Uncle Fred went to Neff’s & down to Red Bud. Rose took eggs up 21¢.
Thursday, May 2, 1935
Creeks are all out. Raining all day. We went out to Henrys had dinner, papered the front room, didn’t quite finish, Emil came down a little while after dinner. Karl Boll’s moved from Jac. Neffs house in town out to J. Henkel’s place again.
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