Thursday, Dec. 12, 1935

Emil’s birthday. Berti baked cookies. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, he went up in the woods & got load rack; took milk & butter along home. Fredrick Fritsche came asked if he could go hunting here. Papa told him it was alright. Uncle brought the Belleville paper along up for us to read, they get it daily now. Mrs. Arthur Hepp was in the hospital, tonsils taken out. Steve Neff’s have a baby born at hospital. Willie Krehers have also a baby girl born Dec. 5. Webers Quarry is to be moved from Harbaughs farm to Rittmeyer’s, Weber has taken the Claus house in town, to pieces & will erect it out at the Quarry. Eichenseers have a new Chev. which costs $791.00 complete, trunk etc.

Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1935

Rose baked oatmeal cookies, ironed & patched today. Arlene Klotz’s birthday, lot of Hecker people went down, children’s party.

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 1935

We washed; hung it in basement. Hy Rahm & Stockel finished the spouting on barn this morning. We went to Belleville, bought Christmas toys. Cool nights, windy today.

Monday, Dec. 9, 1935

Beautiful day, warm. We went butchering out at Henry’s made lot summer sausage. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped to; had dinner, supper, lunch there. Alois Havey & Stokel were here putting on spouts on roof, on land.

Sunday, Dec. 8, 1935

Feast Day. Cloudy & rained last night. They have 13 hr. Devotion in Hecker parish today; Armin Geodell’s called there baby girl Marlene Norma. Wagner’s went to Waterloo show last night, to see “Shirley Temptte” [sic – Shirley Temple] & “Curly Top;” said it was awful nice.

Saturday, Dec. 7, 1935

Leona brought the boys up, stayed all day, dinner & supper. Henry got them this eve; the beef didn’t sell so good, to many going around town with beef; we took 11¾ lbs; had roast for dinner. Made cream pies today. We went to Renneckers this evening, played 4 game pinochle, his brother Jake of Belleville was also there, visiting for several days. Pat May is having a free dance at Donahue’s tonite.

Friday, Dec. 6, 1935

Papa went to see John Myerscough at Ruma; he made a trade with him, got 2 cows & calf, on our mare & $10.00; delivered this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Berti went to Belleville this morning. Raining all day. Welli Doyle was here looked at the harrow that pap has for sale; also looked at the heifers & horses. Henry killed a beef today, sell it tomorrow at Waterloo.

Thursday, Dec. 5, 1935

Papa & Rose took a heifer out to Henry’s. We got 8 pigs born today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he went to Waterloo, & got his car looked after, had supper here; went home, came back again this evening & we all went to Christ Buehlers, gave them a visit, had a solo game; musci [sic] & singing. Rose sewed the star quilt together in stars.

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1935

Papa is working in the woods. Rose went out to Henry’s again, Leona got up this afternoon. Berti baked cookies all day. We went out to Uncle Freds this evening; she made lunch; listened to the radio.

Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1935

Rose went out to Henry’s. Leona is still in bed & Henry had to butcher at Uncle Adam’s; she was out all day; cleaned & ironed. Pap hauled load wood, & went out worked in the woods this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. Ed & Carrie Brand went to Hy. Kessler’s tonite & leave in the morning for Alalabama [sic], taking her along.