Papa & Rose cutting corn. Floyd’s has glasses now since Wed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up awhile this evening.
Thursday, Sept. 19, 1935
John Lehrs of Belleville buried this afternoon Stehfest cemetery. Papa went down to see Hy. Armstutz about corn fodder, pap & Rosalia cut some this morning. Mrs. Alfred Crook daughter, the youngest & Miller boy being married this morning at Waterloo Church & wedding dance at Brezzy [sic] Hill to nite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to the dance, nice crowd, & pretty wedding bride all white with veil & 2 bridesmaids cousins, in light pink & blue; with head bands; best man in dark blue suits, her brother & his brother; she is 19 yrs. & him 21, nice couple. We trimmed up tin cans for flower pots.
Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1935
Canned 1 qt. pickles & ½ pt. tomatoes. Rose fixed Bert a skirt. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary was up had lunch here. Bert took some cucumber pickles over to Clara; they got a 6 lb. fish from Hy. Armstutz. Mr. & Mrs. Milton Wagner have a 8 lb. baby boy born this morning, everybody is well they say; that increases the Hecker population to 201. We went to Red Bud, then out to Tiptown to see Mike Elonka, about some pigs, but his were sold; then went to Burksville Station to see Van De Reit, to see a cow that Finnerty has to sell there for $40.00, old; then to Waterloo got beef bone for soup tomorrow; then home, had supper.
Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1935
Papa went out to Henry’s; cut some clover hay off. Mr & Mrs. Steve Rennecker’s wedding anniversary. Sure is some hot day’s. Quite a few people from K.C. pinic [sic] at Murphysboro Sun; Eichenseer family went. Henry was using the team for harrowing so papa came home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he took load wheat to Red Bud, got 95¢. We got the free Sacred Heart ring; that was send for through the Extension Magazine, but only one came & 10 medals.
Monday, Sept. 16, 1935
We washed, ironed. Most beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he took load wheat to Red Bud got 90¢ bu. Mr. Schmierbach of Smithon [sic] got hit by an automobile Sun. evening & was rushed to the hospital, where he died; he is pretty old man. There is so many people getting hit nowadays with cars, just awful.
Sunday, Sept. 15, 1935
Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Bert went along to Smithon [sic] Turner Pinic [sic], not much of a crowd, came more in the evening. We got chances on winning 15 quilts. Went to Oak Grove free dance Au Buchon’s Orch. pretty nice crowd. Hy Huelsmann & Rosilla Braun were published first time today.
Saturday, Sept. 14, 1935
Papa got hair cut; he went up to the crusher to see Roy Staufbiel. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, brought basket pickles along, they went to Red Bud to the sale of the late Mrs. Con Dehn. Bert went to town got 25¢ for eggs. The Dupo pinic [sic] which was supposed to be today is posponed [sic] till Thurs; we have chance on winning a Ford V8 there. Leona came up & Billy [Willis]. We & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went to Donahue’s to Herman Wolf’s wife’s birthday dance & may what a crown, Au Buchon’s family Orchestra.
Friday, Sept. 13, 1935
Mrs. Rennecker brought flower slips over. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s again to make hay; had lunches & dinner. A real estate agent Mr. Wolf of Freeburg was here, left his card. Mr. Stephen Freund & Richard Crow left for Worthington Ohio for school last week, Freund for his last year & there to be ordained, & Crowe first year Josephium College. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came got coffee.
Thursday, Sept. 12, 1935
Canned 2 qts. pickles & ½ pt. tomatoes. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s helped put up hay; made 17 loads, stacked; Emil & Clem Parker helped; they had lunches & dinner there. Bert got flower slips from Mrs. Rennecker & Mamie; planted them out. Mrs. Rennecker came over this evening & got some from ours. George Lorberg’s have a baby girl born last week; getting along nicely. 3 girl 1 boy. Frank Kroll moved his furniture & family from Al. Monike’s place to upstairs in Manier’s place, couldn’t agree together. Dr. Isselhardt was in Hecker at his office in Kammler’s building, opened up again Wed. from 1 till 4 o clock, every week; Rev. Hosto hit a 80 yr. old man at Mascoutah & killed him, he was only driving 20 mi hr. the policeman saw it also, the man ran in front of his car.
Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1935
Bert finished ironing, baked bread & coffee cake. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, cut some more hay down; had lunches & dinner there. Schwarz was around selling apples 75¢ & 1 bu. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening; brought pears & pickles.
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