Beautiful day. Pap got crushing done; Henry & boy’s came up, got crushing done, also, they took there Sun. clothes along. We sure had good radio musci [sic], this afternoon, German Band. Papa went to Belleville to see Streck Bros; coming out Mon. Walt Herbert, came got the black cow $65.00. Frank Finnerty is having a dance at Pautler’s tonite. Musci [sic] by Moonlight Orch.
Friday, Jan. 10, 1936
Rose went out to Henry’s again this morning. The CCC Camp at Waterloo has to leave tomorrow, going to Washington. Henry went over to E. St. Louis, brought Leona along home to Geodelle’s; she can’t walk yet, hospital bill was $16.50. for 4 days. Rose & Bert went out to Henry’s this evening, he & boy’s came for supper, they they all went in to Waterloo to see mamma [Leona – ed.], stayed there all night.
Thursday, Jan. 9, 1936
Pap & Rose went out to do Henry’s feeding. Nice sunshine day. Rose went out this evening again. Henry is home tonight, Floyd stayed with him; Rob came along here again. Leona is pretty good, wants to come home; maybe by Sat. Our line telephone 18 has meeting at Renneckers tonite; pap went over paid dues, & elected officers.
Wednesday, Jan. 8, 1936
Berti ironed. Pap & Rose went out to do Henry’s feeding took the boys along; brought the bacon along & fried them down here; pap & Rose went out to do the feeding again tonite; brought the boys along, didn’t hear from Leona today. Pres. Roosevelt is going to speak over the radio from E. St. Louis Station tonite at 9:o clock. Heberers of Duqouin, & people from St. Louis isn’t back yet; they caught 3 fellows today & held them at E. St. Louis. We listened to the Pres. speech, there were 1,800 people present at D.C.
Tuesday, Jan. 7, 1935
Pap & Rosalia went out to Henry’s did the feeding, & took the boy’s along too; put the hams away. Mr. Herbert of Belleville called said, he would take the black cow for $65. get her when the weather was fit, nasty out today, rainy & colder. Henry came this afternoon brought Billy [Willis] along to stay here. he thought Leona improved some, she is all yellow color, but hasn’t no pains in her stomach this morning; he stayed by Uncle Ed. in E. St. Louis, she has a private room, St. Marys Hospital. Rosa went out did the milking, brought the boy’s along again. We washed & ironed some today. Eggs 22¢ here in town.
Monday, Jan. 6, 1936
Went out to Henry’s, took the boys along to school, butchered at Henry’s, at dinner time they called from Waterloo & said they have to take Leona to the hospital, took her over this afternoon at 1:30 so he left right away. Emil & Albert came helped finished, so we did all there feeding, got done pretty early; cleaned everything. Mrs. Geodelle called out said Leona stood the trip alright to the hospital; she won’t have to be operated on. Henry stayed over all night.
Sunday, Jan. 5, 1936
We went to Waterloo church, & then went to Gus Geodelle’s to see Leona, she is very weak, gets nothing to eat, not much; we brought Floyd along with us to. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile. Henry came to get crushing this afternoon. Wilbert Geodelle is having a birthday dance at Pautlers tonite, musci [sic] by Rythm [sic] Kings. John Kaltwasser is being buried this afternoon at Stehfests cemetery, from Belleville; Eugene Ahern of Waterloo will be buried Tues. morn.
Saturday, Jan. 4, 1936
Pap got crushing done. Rob went along up. Henry & Floyd came to get crushing done to. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came. Berti went along to Belleville, they had supper here. Joe Griffin came here & put a radio in for us Wilcox Gay – $25 complete. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed & listed to it this evening.
Friday, Jan. 3, 1936
Pap & Rob went up split wood, near the woods. Rob. got the mail. William Smith of St. Louis, & Berniece [sic] Mehrmann of Waterloo marriage license were in the paper, but Clem Parker’s wasn’t in. Henry called this morning said Leona was sleeping when he left, she is still in Waterloo yet.
Thursday, Jan. 2, 1936
Berti went out to Henry’s, cleaned & washed, ironed. Leona stayed at Waterloo, took here in yesterday, still there, has it in her stomach, the doctor says. Robert came along home with us, had supper & breakfast. Joe Griffin came looked over our telephone, but everything is OK he found a lose connection by Wagners alley. A fellow close by Belleville, came looked at our cow & pigs. We played lotto, Rob. played musci [sic].
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