Ascenscion [sic] “Holiday” Went to Red Bud to 6’oclock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came went along to Belleville with us; we got new dresses; pap went to Dr Frein’s office, should come back again next week. Beautiful day. There were a lot of people from Hecker & Paderborn at Belleville today. Fr. Aydt & Dramatic Players, & Mr. & Mrs. Joe Griffin & Pearl, 15 in all went on an outing to Fort Gage & Chester, he furnished dinner eats & drinks beer.
Wednesday, May 20, 1936
We shelled corn. Henry & Rob. came cut hay, had dinner here. Bert Thompson called a little while. Henry brought the wheat checks along, $13.66. from Pabsts $3.06; George Wagners family came over this evening. Mrs. Myrtle Pickett has the Hecker school with a 20% raise than last year; she has it handy; her mother is going here today.
Tuesday, May 19, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening. We got 1 pig from the other sow, so we got 2 sows & 2 pigs, awful. Miss Mary Matthews birthday 19 yrs. old today. We dug up the tulips.
Monday, May 18, 1936
We washed, ironed; cool & cloudy. Ralph Rausch brought $10 for ballground suppose to be $15 – but that is all they had left – from what they took in last nite, he said; the crowd wasn’t so good. Steve Rennecker came awhile this morning. There are quite a few birthday today. Rev. Stheve [sic – Steve] Freund was ordained in priesthood yesterday at Worthington Ohio, will say his first mass at Waterloo June 7 9:30
Sunday, May 17, 1936
Mrs. Staufenbiel came & went along with Rose & Bert to church, had Solemn Communion at 7:30 mass, 6 boys & 6 girl, 1 boy took sick, & also 1 girl, Martha Agnes McDermott who is at hospital in E. St. Louis for appendix, also Keoinstein of below Hecker is over there, pretty bad. Bill’s daughter, she is young yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Clara & Agnes Gregson stopped from church. Ed. Meng Katie Klotz, all called here a short while to see pap, also Joe & Josie Alberta Gregson on there way home from Waterloo, stopped. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back this evening again. It rained pretty good here, this eve. The baseball team has a dance at Kammlers Schmidts Merrymakers musci [sic]; the crowd wasn’t so large we heard. Omer came & we went to Pautler’s to Mrs. Martin Karban’s birthday dance, Rythm [sic] Kings musci [sic]. Gents 25¢ ladies free. Nice crowd.
Friday, May 15, 1936
Uncle Fred went in to Belleville got pap & Rose home he stood it pretty good; Lizzie Boll visited a little while here.
Thursday, May 14, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Rose, came in to hospital also Ben Heyl’s were in there. Schmidt mail carrier, called here for a prize for the euchre tonite at Red Bud given by the men, we couldn’t take it in. Sure nice weather, but no rain, drying up.
Wednesday, May 13, 1936
Bert washed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home. Henry & family & Bert went in to Belleville this morning. Rose came along home, & ironed. Geo. Wagners were up to see pap at hospital tonite. Rotary Convention in Belleville these days.
Tuesday, May 12, 1936
Celestine Neff came selling chances for a quilt, to be raffled at there play. Josie Keller visited at the hospital tonite. Lester Gregson & Cora Armstutz called there this afternoon where we were there, Bert came along home, Rose stayed tonite. Henry was over at Mengs with the team, called here a while.
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