Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1936

Ironed. Rose & Bert went out & helped Aunt Mary finish her quilt this afternoon. Geodelle was here; looked at stack. Send letter to Chicago Mail Order. Eggs are 33¢ now by Mertz.

Monday, Nov. 9, 1936

We washed & quilted. Bert send a name to Amos & Andy baby naming contest which closes Sun., $34,000 prizes to be given.

Sunday, Nov. 8, 1936

Much colder today, we went to mass. The Y.P.L. have a play & dance at Kammler’s hall tonite. Welcome Home Town Visitor, it was real pretty; players were Julius & Marjorie Rausch, Roland, Lyle & Veronica Rausch, Harold Wagner, Lee Howery, Als. Eckert.

Saturday, Nov. 7, 1936

Pap got haircut. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped on there way home from Benedick’s sale at Red Bud, Hy. Frisckorn bought the place $600.00. We went to Belleville this afternoon. Berti got 2 teeth pulled $3.50 & xray was $2. Maniers have fish fry tonite. Hy Limbach came this evening. Ralph Etling came on business. Viola Einwich is celebrating her birthday at Floraville.

Friday, Nov. 6, 1936

We put quilt in. Pap hauled 2 load woods with the wagon got the from Emil yet. Monroe & Feurer came to get lime dust weights.

Thursday, Nov. 5, 1936

Berti 22 yrs old. The tree man was here, pap went out in woods all day, hauled wood out for them. We fried down bacon & sausage, cleaned things from butchering. A Zanol products agent was here, we didn’t buy from him. Rose took chev. to garage to get it repaired this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family & Omer were here this evening; played cards.

Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1936

We butchered, pig 161 lbs. & Uncle Fred got it his from J. Henkel 234 lbs. Henry & family helped to. Josie Keller came for supper yet also, took sausage & ribs $1 & 2 doz. eggs along. Lizzie Boll went quilting at Wagners, came over here to see Josie first.

Tuesday, Nov. 3, 1936

We washed, ironed, went to election, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, going to butcher tomorrow here. Rose went quilting at Wagners & supper there. The fruit man was around. Eggs are 30¢ now. Burdgorf looked at the heifers, didn’t buy yet. Roosevelt & Horner are reelected; by big majority. There is a election return dance at Pautlers & Odd fellows Hall tonite free. Mrs. Vera Boo Republican circuit clerk was elected; against Schemeir Democrat candidate. The radio stations were on air all nite.

Monday, Nov. 2, 1936

All Souls Day, went to 7 o’clock mass. Went to Belleville all day, dentist this afternoon. Raining all day. Wm. Ganley & Ambrose Doyle all had shooting matches yesterday.

Sunday, November 1, 1936

Went to mass All Saint’s Day. Henry & family had dinner & supper here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had supper here, him Henry & pap went up to look around in woods. Some people have looked at heifers etc. Pautlers has free dance musci [sic] Rythm [sic] Kings.