Sunday, Oct. 11, 1936

Beautiful day. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner. Butch Fisher of Waterloo looked at the heifers, to high priced. We went to Floraville to a free dance, musci [sic] by Schmidts of Red Bud.

Saturday, Oct. 10, 1936

Pap went up town & to see Louis Birkner. We went to Waterloo bought wall paper, for our living room; went to church. We took some of the flowers in. Getting pretty cold. Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Brand of Alambma [sic – Alabama] are visiting relatives here, now by Uncle Adam’s. Leo was here this eve.

Friday, Oct. 9, 1936

Still cloudy, no sun shining. Henry came got his drill. Mr. Zimmer lawyer candidate. Pap & Rose went to Red Bud. The tree man, at Red Bud; was here bought ours all big ones. We went out to Uncle Freds tonite. They are finished papering bedroom already.

Thursday, Oct. 8, 1936

Cloudy & raining, foggy. Pap went to see Pleuger & to Gukers at Red Bud, made even trade with his Philco & our’s. it is a pretty small radio, but is clear; we still have ours here yet. We went to Belleville to dentist again. Bernice got 1 doz. eggs. 25¢.

Wednesday, Oct. 7, 1936

Cloudy & dark. Mr. Dare Bros. got the drill this morn. We had beef soup dinner today. Leo & Rose went to Belleville to St. Marys Church Hall to a bazzar [sic] & chicken supper, got a pair pillow cases, raffled with a wheel; pretty.

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1936

Pap harrowed for Chris Buehler, in our field. Mr. Emil Geodelle plaster of Waterloo fixed the front room ceiling, finished at Kemps to. Pap & Rose went to Belleville, he got 3 teeth pulled, at Dr. Wagners. Omer & Bertie went to St. Louis to Emil’s, seen the Veil[ed] Prophet parade, was real nice, had 20 floats, different states & bands etc. It rained this afternoon. Hecker Catholics had euchre party tonite in school hall, 26 tables; quite few from other place they say.

Monday, Oct. 5, 1936

We washed, ironed; Baked. Geo. Boll got his disk. A fellow here selling electric Singer sewing machines. Emil Schilling’s wife stopped in last nite on there way to St. Louis, they were at Pautlers at Evansville, come to see Omer. Lena Meng got some flower slips. We had a little shower rain this afternoon.

Sunday, Oct. 4, 1936

Went to Red Bud. Mrs. Feldmann died, will be buried Tues. morn. solemn high mass; the mother of Father Feldmann, expecting 20 priests, from all over. Omer & Tillie went to Fort Chartres & Renault & home. Leo was down, they had supper here, went to Paderborn to Tolsetis tonite, free dance, & fish fry, had nice crowd. Skaers played. Geo. Boll bought our disk $10. Mr. Dare, bought the drill $8. Wm. Harbaugh was here to see Uncle. Hecker baseball team has a dance at Kammler’s Adm. 25. Schmidt’s Merry Maker playing musci [sic]; wasn’t so much of a crowd, they say. There is a free wedding anniversary dance at Donahue’s tonite, musci [sic] by Carle’s Orch. Barry May, Eichelmann’s all have shooting matches, for geese & ducks today.

Saturday, Oct. 3, 1936

We had beef soup dinner. Henry & Rob were also here, he cut clover hay & put the alalafa [sic] up. Oliver Ruhel came to measure ground. Rob helped him, & stayed here. Henry’s family came this eve. to get him. Geo. Boll looked at the disk; Nic Helfrich came account of hauling coal. Mrs. Geo. Hartmann has a new barn dance tonite & pig roast, music by Rythmn [sic] Kings, Ladies free. Alois Roth & Gertie Cortner stopped in.

Friday, Oct. 2, 1936

John Wittenauer looked at the drill; also John Schilling. Pap went to see Roland’s & Geo. Boll. Jerome Meng was here, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up to. The Waterloo paper says Jac. Schmidt is resigned at the National Bank, & will now work as vice pers. of State Bank there.