Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1936

We washed, cleaned basement, fried in meat etc. Bert got mailed Christmas cards from J. Keller, Fr. Stern, First National Bank at Waterloo. Berti got a punch for a 5 lb. box candy by Mertz paid .03. Name Dorthy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped here, then went to the school children’s play in School Hall.

Monday, Dec. 21, 1936

We butchered 1 hog & Uncle Fred; 240 lbs got it from Geo. Parker’s, the top is $10.35 today, on radio. Henry family helped. A fellow here wanted to sell rugs. Adolph Schaeffer & John stopped, brought the grindstone & table here. Steve Rennecker butchered today also. Eggs. 28¢. Awful nice day, ground sloppy.

Sunday, Dec. 20, 1936

Went to mass, took Helfrichs along, pretty windy, & cold. Helfrichs lost a horse last week. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, went home, we made apple pie. A fellow here from close to Belleville, looking for shoats for a neighbor who is sick. Leo & Isd. & Helfrich girls came, & Rose & Bert went along to Belleville to Lincoln, to register also to win the Nash to be given away Thurs. nite. The Thealtre [sic] was just crowded. Beautiful day.

Saturday, Dec. 19, 1936

Pap got hair cut. We went to Waterloo to Schaeffer’s sale got a few articles, grindstone, table cook pot etc. Annie is working in St. Louis. Jos. Keller came out, was at Lizzie Boll’s all afternoon; came here to play cards tonite. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came & Henry’s family, had a six hand game. Beautiful nite. Leona got the coal oil stove at Schaeffers sale $4.00, four burner.

Friday, Dec. 18, 1936

Went to Belleville, Rose had tooth put in & 1 filled $13.50 we got new galoshes; Bert had her picture taken but no good. Boy it is snowing, will be a nice Christmas. I think; so far.

Thursday, Dec. 17, 1936

We cleaned rooms, washed curtains. Pap went in the woods all day again. A man here selling household articles. Eggs 27¢. Leo came & we all went out to Uncle Fred’s played cards had pie cookie.

Wednesday, Dec. 16, 1936

Pap went in woods all day. Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s went along to E. St. Louis with them got permanents at Esther Beauty Shop on Sinclair Ave. for $2.50 a piece, pretty good so far. We got bu. apples for $1.25 willow twigs. Pete Hoffmann is in St. Louis hospital pretty sick, they say;  we went shopping at E. St. Louis. stores this afternoon, met Maggie Grassheim & Pour brothers over there.

Tuesday, Dec. 15, 1936

We washed, ironed, baked molasses cookies. Pap went in woods all day, brought load along home. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to Kessler’s & Geo Parker’s looking for hog to butcher next Mon. here, got one at Parkers. Sure beautiful weather.

Monday, Dec. 14, 1936

Went out to Henry’s butchering, had lunch & dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped to, was a pretty big one. Eggs are only 29¢. Chas. Helfrich came got slip paper for that he got clover seed here. We got weighed, Rose 152, Leona 125, U. Fred 160, Berti 114 & Billy [Willis] 40. Mrs. Hy. Burdorgf butchers wife of Red Bud was buried last Fri. afternoon.

Sunday, Dec. 13, 1936

Went to mass. Awful nice day, warm. Was at home all day. We heard Mildred Hepp birthday request by Erna Hepp yesterday on the radio. Leo & Rose went to Belleville. Alois Roth & Gertie were here this evening playing cards, we sure had a real pinochle game, Gertie had 800 kings & 300 pinochle at 1 time. Gertie & Bert partners against men; played out even games, 3 on each side; we played 6 games.