Went to Red Bud. Oliver Bell, Lee Howery & Ray Wittenauer turned there car over at Parrots corner last nite. Bell’s car, Ray was still unconisous [sic] at Red Bud hospital this morning yet. We took in the Floraville Homecoming this evening. Alois Havey came & got his radio, brought one out Sat. eve. left it tell this afternoon, couldn’t make no trade. Crook was here looked at drill, some other guys looked at the team, fellows from Mondonaville. Beautiful day.
Saturday, Sept. 19, 1936
Rained this afternoon. Pap went to Valmeyer to Allotff sale, things brought good price, team mules $400. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, they went to Plenger’s sale by Round Prairie, that was a cheap sale. Oscar Birkner bought 106 acres farm, Miller place, were Grahlerrs now fines. $5,800. We went to Floraville to Jac. Reheis birthday dance. music by Schoenborn & Skairs. Gents 25¢.
Friday, Sept. 18, 1936
We dug our potatoes this morn; aren’t very large. The log man was here again today. Paper says that Wm. Ganley got to have shooting match for turkeys on 27. We killed 2 snakes this morn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry & family were here this eve.
Thursday, Sept. 17, 1936
We went to Waterloo to Eilbract sale, didn’t buy anything. Went to see Alvis Havey about radios. Chris Buehler started plowing here today; with tractor & team. Eggs 24¢. Cool nights.
Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1936
We baked bread, etc; canned pickles. Mr. Eichenseer & the Fairbank Morse Co. man, was here yesterday advertising electric radios, refrigerator etc; had everything in a trailer house; seem pretty. Pap went over to Geo. Wagner, he is making garden fence. Had a nice rain this morn, cooler now, wind in the north. Sure lot flies these days. Miss Loretta Kraft is giving a birthday dance at Paulter tonite, musci [sic] by Del Rose Trio Gents 25 ladies free, we went in, nice crowd.
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1936
Pap went out to see Mason. We baked pie & cookies, cut lawn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening; Chris Buehlers was by them last nite, got some cucumbers, she brought some along here to. Some of the men from here aren’t working these days at the Foundry at Belleville. We had a couple of nice showers this afternoon, sure nice. It has been so hot.
Monday, Sept. 14, 1936
We washed, ironed, pap & Rose went out to Henrys to get a load of oats. Geodelle’s of St. Louis way by them yesterday, digging a porch. Aunt Mary has the picture tray of all her teeth, there are a few on top that isn’t just right, but she didn’t have none pulled over there, he gave her some mouth wash, put it on her gums & teeth also; should help the tongue.
Sunday, Sept. 13, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Ben & Omer, Berti, & Levi Ganley, & Fr. Aydt. Frank Kroel attended the Murphysboro 2nd. Catholic Congress, sure nice drive, 60 miles, it was held at the Riverside Park, beautiful place, but it was so hot. Rose & Leo & some more attended at Scothfield to see the place & then went to Louis Kaiser at Trenton. All went to Floraville tonite, Arthur Metiomanus birthday dance, & what a crowd, & heat. Eichenseers brought a electric radio down to try out, for awhile; then got it again.
Saturday, Sept. 12, 1936
Pap got haircut. We went to Belleville got new hats. Brought Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary along, were over at Kellers since Tues.They had dinner here, took them home, had watermelon there, then we went to Waterloo, paid dentist Hotz $2. for Bertie tooth. Went to church. Joe Griffin & wife came awhile this evening. Radio isn’t so good, bad nite.
Friday, Sept. 11, 1936
Send a card to Aunt Mary, at St. Louis. We got lights now, all connected & working order, sure nice. Got letter from Aunt Mary; coming home by buss [sic] as far as Belleville, we should meet them there.
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