Monday, Feb. 8, 1937

Henry came after the boys, had breakfast here, they stayed all nite here. So warm this morn, & roads boy some mud, thawing out now; & rained heavy this morn. colder tonite. The healing doctor in E. St. Louis, Hyman was shot & killed, will be cremated Tues. at St. Louis, hear lot on radio about him now. Mr. Hy. Hinze & the lady that was keeping house there all along got married last week. Louis Birkner is pretty sick, don’t want no doctor & takes no medicine. Irene Buehler is also sick 5 days, don’t know what is wrong with her, has white spots on throat.

Sunday, Feb. 7, 1937

Went to Red Bud, took Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Helfrich along; [church] took a little longer, reading the rules for lenten season, starts Wed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile. Leo & Rose came & we went out to Henry’s for dinner & supper; while we were eating dinner Mrs. Manier called & said that Mrs. Frank Dudenhoefer passed away this morn. This evening pap stayed here with the boys & Leo & Rose & Bert went along with Henry & Leona over to St. Louis, to our surprised we found it was Frank that was dead had a stroke this morn. slept awful good last night, was 72 yrs. old he is at the Zieneheim [sic] Funeral Chapel on Chrokee [sic] St. will be buried from there Wed. afternoon between 2 & 3 o clock, out Gravois Road to cemetery; looks good & natural, was sick 2 weeks, we also stopped at Louis Geodelle’s awhile, got home about 12:30, it was so foggy driving over, had to drive slow, seen Val’s wife & brothers & Zulaffs, Lester & Margorete, that’s all that was there. So warm.

Saturday, Feb. 6, 1937

Baked & cleaned. Pap went up town to the barber. We drove as far as Barthels Garage, & went along with Leo & Rose to Belleville, got there pictures 13 in all one big one free, & painted also. Sure beautiful day, warm. Read papers & listened to radio.

Friday, Feb. 5, 1937

Bert cleaned, pap went to Red Bud to see Hartmann. This afternoon hauled a load wood in basement. Mr. Davies was here yesterday, wanted to trade; he took 2 doz. eggs along 19¢. Seen in Times that Joe Freund had auto accident last Sun. morn, near Booster Station, says he was crowded of the slab, car turned over landing on radiator, & quite a bit damage to the car, but he only has a few scratches. Transfer of Owen J. Fahey & wife to Ed. Fahey & then again Ed. Fahey to Amie, his mother. Tipton presents “Taming of Tuffy” tonite there. Leo & Rosalia & Jake came this eve. played pinochle about 6 games.

Thursday, Feb. 4, 1937

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up nearly all day, him & pap went to Waterloo on business; had dinner here. This evening we went along with them, went out to see Uncle Adam & Emil, he fell on the ice again today, but not too bad, he looks good. Hy. Weigands have a baby boy born at hospital at Belleville on Jan. 26. first born, formerly Viola Rieso of Broad Hollow. Pretty cold 18°.

Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1937

St. Blase Day. We went to Red Bud had our throats blessed. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were also up, for that, stayed awhile. Houbaum of Wartburg & nephew came & got the sow & 5 pigs $35.00 & Ralant Laut got hay 25¢. Bert got letter from J. Kellers she left some boxes at Ella Miller’s at Belleville for Rose, she should call for them there.

Tuesday, Feb. 2, 1937

Ground hog seen his shadow, 6 weeks bad weather. Leo & Rose came, we went along to Belleville, pap went to dentist, they had dinner with us, took the wash stand along that was upstairs. Pap & Bert went to Waterloo this afternoon, got egg mash, paid Quernheim for Rose furniture, Bedroom Set, Spring & Mattress, kitchen cabinet, all $120.75. Beautiful day, little cold. Pap & Bert went over to Geo. Wagners, helped quilt a Sun flower quilt, had lunch. Pap & Steve, Ed. Kerober, Geo. Wagner played pinochle & solo; ladies quilted.

Monday, February 1, 1937

Bert washed, ironed; We cleaned chicken house. Wm. Ganley & Jack was here on business. Pretty cold, 10 above on radio, the sun shined nice this afternoon; cloudy tonite.