Went to 6:30 mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. Came up this afternoon, Bert [Bertille] went along to Millstadt German pinic [sic], seen St. Louis people dance a German Polka, sure was good; met a few people that we knew; came home had supper here, then went to Paderborn to Carrie’s fish fry Skaers Orch.; & what crowd, Floraville had to close down, everybody at Paderborn. Ray Neubarth & Buettner getting married at Waterloo today. Wiegands had free barn dance last nite musci [sic] by girls of Floraville, had pretty large crowd & hot.
Saturday, June 19, 1937
Beautiful day, warm. Took load wheat to Waterloo $1.15. Bert [Bertille] got permanet [sic] at Colonial Beauty Shop, Vivian Ripley & Aurelia Hellmer, pap went to Morris sale, bought few articles gun etc. Went to Paderborn to Ronnenberg’s Wedding dance, large crowd Birkner Orch. received few presents, had white dress & veil; & Helen bridesmaid yellow lace dress & Alp. Karban best man; quite few strangers.
Friday, June 18, 1937
Uncle Fred took wheat to Waterloo she [Aunt Mary] stayed at Uncle Adams; he isn’t good at all. Pap went out Henry’s all day had dinner, helped finish his job. Was in Waterloo paper J. McDermott & Rose Korando were married at Ava by Fr. Schumacher on June 10 at 9 clock mass. she comes from near Cora was teacher in Jackson & Randolph for past several years. Jack still working at Security Hospital at Menard; wedding breakfast was at Logan Hotel Murphysboro, departed for short honeymoon were attended by cousin Grace Korando, & Chas. Irose nephew of groom; will make there home in Chester. Quite few weddings in Waterloo. Horn – Hergenroeder, attended by Al. & Walter Horn cousins of groom & Grace & Alice Axley cousins of bride & Werling & Rubemeyer. Dougherty nee Elvira Haudrich have a little baby born last week, now have two.
Thursday, June 17, 1937
Rain last nite & all morning showers. Bert [Bertille] washed few clothes & dresses, A. [Aunt] Mary’s front door curtains. Ed. Watchel & Lester Bruns both have new second hand cars. Mrs. Jake Helfrich is being buried this morn. at Paderborn, church at St. Mary’s [ed. note – should be St. Michael’s], then out to cemetery. She is Louis Mueth’s daughter, sister to Mike, John & Joe. Helfrichs have 12 children 7 boy & 5 girls. 1 girl died; pretty large family. Jake is manager carpenter for Relief Work. on the W.P.A. Project at Belleville. She was 43 yrs. ill 3 mons. taken to hospital on Mon. Fr. Orlet has charge of funeral, Fr. was sick to, had touch of pneumonia, but is better again now. Went to Waterloo 13 bus. wheat @ $1.18 best price; got paint for house, stopped at Henry’s; he is building a toilet, in ground one. Went to Wagner’s, Berniece fainted this morn, turned real blue & pale, called doctor, he says stomach trouble, she ate to green cherries yesterday; Mehrmann got the eggs @ 16¢. we had 8 dozen.
Wednesday, June 16, 1937
We have 10 little pigs born Sun. nite. Raining this morn. baked cookies. Mr. Jake Helfrich’s wife of Belleville was taken to hospital & died; nee Mueth of Paderborn. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon picked cherries. We went to Leo’s; picked dewberries, not ripe enough yet, picked about 1½ gal.; took few home just to eat; Rose made jelly, had lunch there. Cut lawn & broke the mower, in wheel. Went out to see Uncle Adam & Emil, he is in bed, there all day, don’t eat much & can’t sleep, has awful back pain, the doctor came when we were there, he says its old age & cold in kidneys. Emil doesn’t get much sleep either had to be there day & nite, Uncle lies nearly all day, can’t sit up & nite he sits & can’t lie down. We stopped at Henry’s on way home; they picked the cherries, ½ gal. & peas, almost milk bucket full, & ain’t finished yet; she has beets to can to; lots work.
Monday, June 14, 1937
Worked gardens, Henry & family were here for dinner. took calf to Belleville got 8¢. Pap & boys put roofing on brooder house. Went out to Henry’s got load oats & corn that was still out there yet. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary got card, inviting us to come to Luella Ronenberg’s wedding dance at Paderborn Sat. nite; also has a fish fry & dance Sun. nite.
Sunday, June 13, 1937
Cloudy all day. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] were down for dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came went to pinic [sic] at Evangical [sic] Church, awhile; quilt played at bluey was won by Oliver Kammler. & raffled one, Carol Lee Armstutz & pillow cases Frieda Koerber & dresser scarf Henry Wiegand; sold 225 supper tickets Adm. 25 & 15. Bert [Bertille] went with Uncle Fred to Donahues to Al Benedick wedding dance got married Sat. in St. Louis, she was formerly from Tipton Bunch girl; he works in St. Louis; had an awful large crowd & no presents. Schmidts Orch. played at the pinic [sic] O. Birkner with his new piano key board & Ben Schilling drums; real nice music they played.
Saturday, June 12, 1937
Cut lawn, etc. Pap went to Red Bud took cement back; we went to Belleville this afternoon dentist. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here, cutting lawn etc. Clif Staheleber is 21 yrs. old today, says he is going to get drunk tonite, no matter what it costs, some ideas for 21 yr. old lad. Went out to Geo Schilling’s was going to pay lumber sawing, but he hasn’t got it figured out yet; seen the doll dressed in $1. with $25.00 sure looks beautiful, ribbon band with $1. shoes & hand bag, pleated dress of $1. bills; she got it from Indiana, stopped at Clevelands paid saw sharpening; went looked at oats & berries.
Friday, June 11, 1937
Painted garage & cleaned in hours. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon. Steve Rennecker helped pap saw of [off] posts for his pig floor pen, he was over this morn, told him he would help saw them of [off]. Bert [Bertille] went out to Henry’s got saw, washing out there; papered yesterday.
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