Thursday, June 10, 1937

Rain again last nite & morn; pap is fixing pig shed. Mr. & Mrs. Al. Cleveland stopped brought saw here, went picking cherries. Uncle Fred & A. Mary went to Belleville this morn. There is School pinic [sic] there, foundry men aren’t working. but it is posponed [sic] on account of the weather. Lucinda E. was here, selling chances for quilt to be raffled on 15, when they have open air lawn & card party at School grounds. We got card from Rev. Moorman of Dupo, stating who won, Mr. Harold Bunch, 1112 N. Ninth St. E. St. Louis Ill. check for $700.00 & Miss Joy Levin Dupo Ill, check for $300.00, pretty nice for the ones that received them.

Wednesday, June 9, 1937

Raining all morning; painted in the house. Pap went up town, got beef roast. Uncle Fred & A. Mary & Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this eve; & Bert [Bertille] went along to Pautler’s, free wedding dance from Columbia, Hermann & Linement; were married at Columbia Catholic church; Carle Ors. [Orchestra] played, had pretty large crowd after the show. Mrs. Harold Hellmer won $50.00 at the show this eve.

Tuesday, June 8, 1937

Washed ironed. Pap painted. The ford agent of Waterloo was here with 1935 Ford coach $450.00. Werner Kammler was around gathering rubbish around town. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up again this afternoon, had horse worked his corn patch; canned pt. cherries. A lady here selling books. Burkhardt was here looked at the horse. Canned 2 qts. beets.

Monday, June 7, 1937

Pap went out early to Henry’s. Stoeckel came out & they plastered the room & fixed things up. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up, we cut lawn, worked garden. Bert painted bath room, worked truck patch, planted sweet potatoe [sic] plants this eve.

Sunday, June 6, 1937

Nice cool; went to 6:30 mass. Uncle Fred & A. Mary stopped awhile. We were home all day. This eve. went to see Washausen’s to see mule, they were here looked at mare this morn; didn’t just make a trade yet so far; near Burksville, we went to Waterloo, through Floraville & stopped at Leo’s Uncle Fred & A. Mary were there. They was in Smithton today. We stoped [sic] at Henry’s, they were at Waterloo all day.

Saturday, June 5, 1937

Nice day. Pap went out to Henry’s, took Cleveland to look at it. Went to Red Bud got cement this afternoon. Maniers have fish fry tonite. Rain this morning. Stoeckel painter of Waterloo was here going to pain our house in a couple weeks, going to plaster Henry’s house Mon. takes 25¢ hr. Picked pan of peas for tomorrow, dinner. Egg 15¢ at Eichenseers.

Friday, June 4, 1937

We papered bath room this morn, washed paint etc. picked cherries canned 1 qt. 4 pts. so far, made 2 pies & coffee cakes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she helped stone cherries. We went out to Henry’s, went to Fauss by Maeystown, bought sow & pigs 8 – 2 weeks old for $38. he is going to get them Mon or Tues. pd. $5 down. Coming down Maeystown Hill, Henry’s brake didn’t hold thought for sure it was going to be a big accident, but turned out alright, as long as there wasn’t no car coming. Emil J. Hoffman teacher, who taught Hecker school one term & Luella Fults were married last week, paper says, eve. of May 29. Eggs 16¢

Thursday, June 3, 1937

Cloudy & raining a little, planted out some more tomatoe [sic] plants. Pap went to Waterloo got crushing done at Horn’s brought some varnish & paint along. Cleaned basement this morn. Went out to Henry’s, Geodelle came out to look at the house.

Wednesday, June 2, 1937

Cloudy & had a few showers this afternoon, had beef soup dinner, picked first peas, carrots, cabbage in soup. Henry & Rob. came got hay rake & mule. We worked gardens, ironed & patched etc. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came up cut lawn, tonite stopped awhile went to Buelhlers, to get eggs. Anna Degenhardts wedding picture is in Belleville paper, Geo. Degenhardt’s daughter; the oldest boy got married awhile back. Broad Hollow Grange has ice cream & Strawberry festival & dance tonite. Wilfred & Leo Cortner had a trial at Belleville this morn. for fighting at Floraville, with Muskoffs boy’s. Leo & Rose came this eve.

Tuesday, June 1, 1937

Bert [Bertille] went out to Henry’s washed quilts, 20 – didn’t get all dry, rained nearly all afternoon, pretty hot this morn. we replanted cabbage & tomatoe [sic] plants this eve. Eggs 16¢. Uncle Fred’s pictures came today, don’t look bad; Leona got them today.