Sunday, March 21, 1937

Palm [Sunday]. We went to first mass. Mrs. Gennin of Red Bud died will be buried tomorrow morn. mass at Red Bud, remains to St. Peter & Paul’s cemetery at St. Louis. Chester Cowell’s mother in law. So many people dying of Red Bud parish; here lately. Henry & family came, we went along with them to Leo & Rosalia’s had dinner & supper there. Sure beautiful day, little warmer. Spring to begin today. Last Fri. nite when raining so hard was an auto accident at Parrots corner, Voges beer trucker driver of Red Bud was killed instantly & Grueber man with him had 2 legs broken & all bruised, truck was stoped [sic] on hard road, rained so heavy, stoped [sic] the truck & they had no lights.

Mr. & Mrs. Emil Schilling of St. Louis stopped in, going home from Geo. Schillings, see how we all were & left me 2 pictures of Omer, that he had taken when Martha got married; they are going to move in about 2 weeks are so, to Northton Ave; not far from Unioun [sic] Ave. he said.

Saturday, March 20, 1937

We went to Belleville this afternoon. pap went to dentist went to Streck’s cold again lowest tonite should be 33. Uncle Fred & Mary stoped [sic] here, nobody home also stoped [sic] at Henry’s. Leona said then they went to Waterloo. Pap got haircut this morn. Seen Leo & Isid. in Smithton, told him we & Henry’s were coming there tomorrow for dinner; if weather is O.K. Eggs came down again 20¢ now.

Friday, March 19, 1937

Raining a little Pap went out with buggy & horse on a trip down to Bert Thompson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came took Bert along, went up to see Leo & Rose awhile, Hennrick of Walsh was there & got a cow, & brought a different one, but they didn’t like it. One of the Divian’s twin babies died at the Red Bud hospital; I seen in the paper, isn’t so much news this week, Winnie Ganley & husband transfer of $1. to Geo Schilling. Mr. Jerome Meng is be sow accessor this year & Ed. Frisch at Henry’s. Thunder tonite & raining.

Thursday, March 18, 1937

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, pap went along in to Belleville, to attend Mrs. Kate Buehlers funeral from Reumer’s [Funeral Home] to Ruma Church, at 9 o’clock; there were 8 cars from Belleville. Pallbearers from Ruma Congregation, pretty large funeral quite a few people of around here went down to Ruma. She was keeping house for an Ins. [Insurance] Man at Belleville, the children all had to come in there this afternoon & get her clothes & things at that place. Lena Meng came over to see Uncle Fred on business. Pap took the team, went after load of posts. Eppinger was here again but pap didn’t want to sell it today, he has a sore leg, limbs. Mrs. Staufenbiels said today that Alice Brand in California was going to buy land & house on it  & more. Miss Stella Roscow is visiting down at California now, at Kern’s, she is going by Alice.

Wednesday, March 17, 1937

St. Patricks, nice day, snow is nearly all gone. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went into Belleville to see Mrs. Buehler this morning & also went over to N. Athens but couldn’t get the quilt yet, the show won’t be over till Sat. nite being bad weather; but she got the money for the stitched quilt $7.50, that one gone to St. Louis already, they had dinner here. Uncle [Fred] went to Waterloo got oiled changed in his car, & she helped Bert fixed her dress. Ralph Collier was here awhile. Burckhardt & Eppineger horse traders of Waterloo were here, coming back tomorrow evening again. Nobody planted potatoes today, I don’t think. There is St. Patricks dance at Oak Grove, & a free one at Donahues tonite.

Tuesday, March 16, 1937

Henry & Leona came left boys here & Bert went along to Belleville shopping, Le [Leona] got new hat & Bert dress; all for Easter; Boys had dinner here. Emil came awhile this afternoon, some guys looked at horses. We went to see Mrs. Buehler, Kaisers were there at the time, looks natural. Sure beautiful from the top, but oh! the mud; below is terrible. Eggs 21¢.

Monday, March 15, 1937

We washed, ironed, to much snow to hang it out side, but beautiful sunshine again, some of the snow will leave. Pap went to Waterloo, Bert visited at Henry’s awhile. Leo & Rose came we went along to Henry’s, celebrated Floyd’s birthday. Mrs. Adam Buehler died, stroke. She will be buried at Ruma cemetery & mass there on Thurs. Christ & Frank’s. Mary & Katie’s mother. She is at Reumer Bergmann Funeral Parlor at Belleville, she died on Ivo’s birthday; she was pretty well aged 68.

Sunday, March 14, 1937

Went to mass. Nice sunshine today. No company, all snowed in I guess. Ivo Buehler’s birthday today.

Saturday, March 13, 1937

Snowing all day & drifted; deepest snow yet so far this winter; good for the cabbage plants. Floyd is 8 yrs. old; we didn’t go to the birthday, snowing to much; all drifted.

Friday, March 12, 1937

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went along with us to Red Bud to Sl. Doyle’s funeral he was 34 yrs. old sick quite awhile, 3 weeks today there he was taken to the hospital, he leaves his wife & 2 children, 4 yr & 6 yrs. of age, we didn’t go to the cemetery, made it to late, they had dinner here then went to Waterloo took Leona & Billy along to Chas. Geodelle’s funeral was also very large; & beautiful bouquets. We planted about 68 cabbage plants this eve. for 10¢ at Schmidts; getting colder tonite, sleeting. Waterloo Church had 40 hr. Devotion last week ending Sun. nite. Ben Schilling returned home from a week sightseeing in Colorado. Geo. Schilling has for sale Omers chev. coupe, wagon, corn cultivator harrow, gas engine; to sell reasonable; its advertised in the paper.