Painted this morn. second coat; cut lawns made butter etc. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up, till it started thundering & Boy did it rain, heavy & wind broke limbs of [off]. Pierre got milk. Marcellas Harlmann have a baby boy & also Edwin Mehrmann’s on May 15 & Sid Wightmann also, seen it in the paper; Henry Limbach’s bought the farm there living on by Waterloo from N. B. Pautler, recently.
Thursday, May 20, 1937
We paint chicken house etc. Pierre got milk. We planted 53 cabbage plants. Oscar Birkner have 18 mons. Muriel’s picture taken at Belleville Studio it is in the paper, also Jerome Cortner’s girl’s picture to be 2 yrs old in Aug. 31. Gypsy Joe sang a song for Lorraine Cortner by Ray Neff.
Wednesday, May 19, 1937
Went to Waterloo, got flour etc. paid take $247.21. Painting our chicken houses now, started yesterday. Pierre came brought a jar for milk in the morn. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came this eve, planted plants. We planted 53 cabbage & 2 rows mushmellons this eve. Eggs $.74 Wheat $1.27. The Oscar Birkner & Grahlerr h case which was at Belleville last week, Birkner won Grahlerr has to paid $33. for selling posts & straw.
Tuesday, May 18, 1937
Cloudy & black sky this morn, had light shower of rain. We went to Leo’s, brought Jake along, he got the horse rode him up there to work by Leo’s; Mr. Orlet is out to came last nite. Ivo Buehler came brought cabbage plants here what Rose sent along with him for Henry. Pierre Laut got 1 qt milk. Went out to Henry’s, helped plant cabbage plants; Geodelle’s stopped a little while to then went to Dan Geodelle’s.
Monday, May 17, 1937
Washed, ironed, worked gardens. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came had dinner & lunch with them ate over here, plowed there patch with our horse this afternoon. Lauts planted potatoes here this morn. E. Kammler worked it with Robs 2 tractors. We planted 47 tomatoe [sic] plants in truck patch this eve. Pierre upset there tractor this afternoon, but didn’t get hurt. Henry & family came we went along to Log Cabin by Red Bud to Farm Bureau picture show & meeting, kids enjoyed it; pretty large crowd. Eggs 17¢. Received a card from Florence Myerscough graduating from Red Bud High School exercises to be on May 28 & hall.
Sunday, May 16, 1937
Pentecost. Went to mass. Henry & family & Leo & Rose were here for dinner & supper; & Uncle Fred & A. Mary came this afternoon for supper, we took pictures over across the street by A. Mary’s. bridal wreath bush, that is blooming so nice. There is a concert in the Evangical [sic] church tonite, Lipperts children is in the band. Carl Armbruster of Smithton is again in Belleville hospital, had motorcycle accident Sat. nite on Waterloo road; broke his leg. Staheleber was also riding with his motorcycle but was farther ahead when it happened ran into truck or something.
Saturday, May 15, 1937
Pierre Laut & Buddy Napier had Geo Boll’s team plowed the patches; all finished. Olive [Olivia] got qt. milk. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up this afternoon. Hecker baseball team Jrs [? – unclear] have a dance at Pautler’s tonite. Skaers musci [sic]. Adm. 25¢. Eggs 17¢.
Friday, May 14, 1937
It is pretty cold this morn. Olive [Olivia] Laut was here wanted pap to plow that piece here for them, but we only got 1 horse now; so if it don’t rain, Rob. going to plow this eve. We went to Leos this eve. awhile. Jake & boys were there, he plowed this afternoon. Lauts aren’t plowing this eve. Pierre got qt. milk, 5¢. Rose has her garden all filled; growing nice.
Thursday, May 13, 1937
Pap went out to Henry’s helped saw logs in the woods, & haul them to Schilling’s; had dinner at Henry’s. Bert baked pie etc., we got lot of milk, about 1 gal. to a milking. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up working this afternoon; & came back again this eve. Bert [Bertille] went along to Red Bud to Catholic euchre. Uncle got pr. house slippers, had 8 points & played paps card, he got dresser scarf. Bert had 7 got rug. A. Mary 3 points; quite a few prizes & nice crowd pillow slips attendance prize by Mrs. Ed. Vogt. Fr. Stern is very low, but he said they should have the euchre; he talks yet but is very weak; pap stop to see him last Mon; he knew him right away. A man here looked at cow; to high for him. Bert Thompson send him here.
Wednesday, May 12, 1937
Patched planted flowers etc. Uncle Fred & A. Mary came this afternoon. Friederich & Joe McCarthy came delivered the cow & hog. cloudy looks like rain. We planted sweet potatoe [sic] plants. Eggs are still 16¢.
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