Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Berti [Bertille] went Belleville this afternoon. Henry came had crushing done. Not so cold today. Went to Red Bud this eve; Devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary, beautiful.
Friday, Dec. 10, 1937
It is 12 above. in Montana 16 below. We went to confession & 2 high masses. Walter Wittenauer, was here, for A.A.A. sign up; contracts. Russel Baptists Myrtle Ruhel have baby boy. We went to Mission Devotion, blessing of Mission cross.
Thursday, Dec. 9, 1937
10 above this morn. We went to mass. & sermon. Washed, made carmel [sic] cookies; cracked nuts etc. Levi Gregson came to get our key to Emil’s, he wasn’t at home but came later. Levi couldn’t get the car started, got some hot water home. Mrs. Geo. Parker’s birthday today. We went to Mission Devotion.
Wednesday, Dec. 8, 1937
Holiday. Uncle Fred & A. Mary stopped awhile & went home. Cold & getting colder. 12 above suppose to be 4 to nite. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville; stopped at Orlets few minutes. Tonite is Devotions for Married people only, this afternoon for young people. Thirtheen [sic] Hr. Devotion in Hecker. Mrs. Mehrmann got 7 doz. eggs. @ 26¢ went up 1¢ yesterday. Adolph Schaefer’s have a baby boy since 2 weeks ago. Henry Heulsheim also have baby boy, thats 2 boys in family now.
Tuesday, Dec. 7, 1937
Went to Red Bud high mass & sermon; Baked cookies & cake. Pap went along with Emil to Red Bud to Louis Gregson’s funeral this morn. There was a fellow dropped dead at the Gregson house, fell over & was dead. Mrs. Gregson’s sister child, a man of about 200 lbs. they said. We run out of gas by Levi Gregson this morn. coming home from church, he had a 5 gal. can at his place. Went to Mission Devotion & sermon; had questions & answers.
Monday, Dec. 6, 1937
Went to Red Bud, high mass & sermon, for hr. Went to Henry’s butchering, 1 hog. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary helped also, 8 degrees above zero this morn; pretty cold. Emil was over this morn. Mrs. Connor was here on business; wants to trade or sell colt.
Sunday, Dec. 5, 1937
Went to mass. Fr. Simion, made a little sermon & read epistle & gospel, he has high mass & read some of his programs. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile went home. We went to Leo’s & Rose’s [Rosalia] – Leo’s birthday, had dinner & supper; played cards. Sure cold tonite, at 7 o clock 14 degrees; we didn’t go to Mission Service tonite, to cold. Fr. Aydt is having some teeth extracted, has another priest here today. Wed. Holiday has 13 hr. Devotion. Fr. Brandmeyer of Paderborn to make eve sermon. They have Mission up there next week by Fr. Hullwing [? – unclear] OMal. also of St. Henry’s parish Belleville.
Saturday, Dec. 4, 1937
Getting colder, windy. Our Chicago Mail Ord. came everything O.K. Pap got crushing done. Emil is done by Joe Gregson’s. Josie is sick; Emil lost his shed key. Henry came, wants to butcher Mon. if weather is favorable. The Tipton priest brought Walter Kelley over, on business for Uncle Fred. Sure getting colder, freezing right along, to be 25 [degrees].
Friday, Dec. 3, 1937
Raining all day & nite. Cleaned chicken house. Baked cookies. Pap went up town got papers; seen in there that Ed. Brand had wrote a letter to U. Heyl’s, telling them that last Fri. nite, fire destroyed the United paper Stock Co. were he works, but are going to rebuilt again; was quite a big loss. The plans for the new school building in Waterloo is now ready to go to work will cost building & lots & all $150,000. Farm Adv. Hughes to going to leave Waterloo & taken position in Cook CO; by the first of year; Clarence Olendorph had there baby christened last Sun. Charles William – sponsors Mr. & Mrs. William Minnemean. There will be an India Missionary coming to Evangical [sic] church, will speak & also show pictures. Literary Meeting at School house tonite; speaking old age pension. Mr. Ulrich of Smithton formerly the banker was stricken with apolexcy [sic] taken to hospital were there he died.
Thursday, Dec. 2, 1937
Fried down bacon & sausage, ironed this afternoon. Pap went to Waterloo, got his overcoat $13.39 from Pieper. Ralph Wiegand came, he wanted to measure our hog feeder he wants to make one. Berniece got 6 doz. eggs. 25¢ now.
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