Pap went to Red Bud took 443 lbs. clover seed to Schrieber’s. for 8 1/2 [cents]. Melvin Wagner has the measles, got a sign up, Osies Neff’s, Weigands, Geodelle’s, Klotz’s kids all have them now. Bert [Bertille] send an order to Chicago Mail Or; one to Si & Freckles at Quincy, describing Hecker; one to Ohio to a Oxydol Advertisment [sic]. A fellow here to see about clover seed again. Myrtle Neff is pretty sick.
Thursday, Jan. 20, 1938
Raining all day; Pap went to Smithton this morn; Henry came up, he wanted pap to go along to see Ed. Heap at Smithton, he met him up there then. They also went to Corner’s by Paderborn. Pap went to Red Bud this afternoon took sample of clover seed, he bump it for 8 1/2 [cents] lb. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] 1st yr. wedding anniversary today, didn’t get there, roads muddy.
Wednesday, Jan. 19, 1938
Snowed last nite a little. Emil was over. Wilfred Cortner was here, he is sales agent for Mineral Moormans Feeds. Jerome Meng was here. Another guy around with a hard luck story.
Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1938
Emil & Bert Thompson came after the hogs, 2 – Emil took our truck; they weighed 217 – 239. @ $8.65 top price today. Pap went out in woods this morn; Bert [Bertille] stayed at Henry’s, they finished working on telephone lines this morn; we had dinner there & butchered this afternoon, got home about 4:45. Started in sleeting & raining. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, got a few things from store. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down, we played cards. They brought 15 doz. eggs.
Monday, Jan. 17, 1938
Bert [Bertille] washed, ironed. Pap went in woods all day. Cleveland called here, for Emil to the phone, going to fix on there telephone lines today. Levi Gregson came, going to kill the hogs here & take them down in our truck, there was a accident near J. Braun’s this eve; a [unclear] truck & car from St. Louis, had the cop there, & car was taken in the Waterloo road on a wrecker; so far haven’t heard no more of it.
Sunday, Jan. 16, 1938
Nice day. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped awhile then went home. Levi Gregson came, brought over 2 hogs, wants to butcher on Tues. if its nice. The St. Mary’s Young people of Belleville are having a play this afternoon & eve. Adm. 25 [cents]. Isidore Orlet is also in it as a butler. The Holy Name Sodality of Red Bud is having card party on Jan. 27; & Sewing Circle a lunch & card party Feb. 22. Fr. Spor said. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came down Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville to St. Mary’s, Young people gave a play, we were by Fr. Joe awhile, he gave us each a gold cross & Leo tie pin; the play was pretty nice, Isd. was in it. Vin James furnished musci [sic], Orch, it was what you call a musical comedy; the hall was filled. The name of the play “Marrying Mirian” directed by Fr. Rabeman.
Saturday, Jan. 15, 1938
Pap went in woods, came home for dinner, & went back again this afternoon. A fellow here this morn; wanted some thing to eat. Mrs. Aggie Ratz Doyle was operated for appendix last week at Belleville hospital; & Mrs. Wilbur Heyl was opperated [sic] for appendix also at St. Mary’s Hospital in E. St. Louis. There is a show at Waterloo put on by Nobbe’s, advertising John Deere; implements etc, starting at 9 this morn. serving dinner & movie pictures, etc. Adm. free tickets. Henry & family came this eve. we went along with them to Uncle F. [Fred]
Friday, Jan. 14, 1938
Pap went up in woods, came home for dinner & went up again this afternoon. Geo. Wagner came over to get eggs we didn’t have none to sell, only got 1 doz. Some people here from Smithton selling beef, didn’t buy none. Berneice brought 5 [cents] over for eggs for Mehrmann, they were 21 [cents] last week he said. Mr. & Mrs. Arch. Whiel have baby born born Jan. 10 – St. Mary Hospital, now have boy & girl. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hoffmann of Tipton have a baby boy born Jan. 9 also at St. Mary’s Hospital; have a boy & girl now.
Thursday, Jan. 13, 1938
Pap went up in woods again took dinner along; Roman Meng was here; wanted to trim up trees along the fence. We went out to Al. Cleveland’s; wanted to take Emil along, but he didn’t want to go this eve; Levi Gregson’s came out there also, Levi, pap & Al. Clara C. Clara Gregson played 5 hand solo. Agnes & Bert [Bertille], Grover listed to radio. Major Bowes. hr. etc; shelled popcorn, had cookies & apples. Nice moonlight & warm nights.
Wednesday, Jan. 12, 1938
Pap went out in woods all day; took dinner along, Levi Gregson looked at our pigs. Telephone line men was here, tree on the line below here, interfered with line, wanted to see if it was alright to cut it down. Mr. Louis Metzger of Floraville died 83 yrs. old said over radio. We went to Jac. Orlets tonite, Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came also, we played 5 hand & 6 hand pinochle; kids went to bed.
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