Went to Leo’s, washed, ironed, cleaned bedrooms etc, they sawed wood this afternoon; we had dinner & supper. Mr. Orlet is out there also; helpers sawing wood were John & Chas. Mueth, Jake Joe Krebs; finished, tomorrow saw Jake’s. Leo & his dad went to requiem high mass at Paderborn church. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Emil were here this eve. Walter Pour’s have a baby boy; I guess that makes family 9.
Wednesday, March 30, 1938
Raining last nite & morn; showers on & off today. Bert [Bertille] cleaned closets etc; baked cookies this morn. Pap fixed fence.
Tuesday, March 29, 1938
Pap went out in woods, hauling it together, today. Bert [Bertille] cleaned front room, put on screens. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up awhile, got there radio battery at Probst’s. Tax receipt came $260. higher again then last year; about $15. Uncle Freds is $18 town.
Monday, March 28, 1938
Washed, ironed, planted potatoes, sewed spinach, lettuce, radish. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, made garden. Eggs are 14 [cents], down 1 [cent] again. Raining this afternoon & evening. Lauermann & Son plymouth dealer of New Athens was here today. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came this eve. brought there [sic] eggs down. 14 [cents] yet.
Sunday, March 27, 1938
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to lent devotion here. Mr. Herman of Columbia was here. Henry came, he wanted to butcher tomorrow, but he isn’t anyway.
Saturday, March 26, 1938
Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, we went in with them to Waterloo, & went out to Paderborn church, with Henry & Leona, church was full couldn’t all get in; so many priests. Fr. Joe [Orlet] had the solemn Requiem High Mass; walked to cemetery, Fr. Aydt had sermon; she [Mrs. Orlet/Leo’s mother] has a concrete vault; she was 64 yrs. old. The pallbearers were Hy, Aloys, Dominic, Andy Roth & Ray Herman, John Mueth. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, pap went to Percy Starr’s sale this afternoon. Levi Sensel stopped in looked at horses. Pap came home with Grosse from Columbia, he bought a plow here for 25 [cents]; but didn’t take it along.
Friday, March 25, 1938
Cloudy & cool this morn. hot this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] cleaned etc; sacked load wheat went to Waterloo 21 bus. got 77 [cents] pap went home. Bert got permanent by Colonial Beauty Shop came home with Leo & Rose [Rosalia] they were in from 11 till 3:30; & going back this eve. again. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came to get her coat by Mamie’s. We went out to Henry’s celebrated Rob. birthday; Geodells came out this eve. to, they were at Waterloo at the wake last nit to so had birthday today had cake etc. Started in lightening, getting bleak went home.
Thursday, March 24, 1938
We went to Leo’s today, washed etc. planted potatoe. Mrs. Orlet passed away at 1 o clock this morn; to be at Quernheims tonite. Robert is 12 yrs. old today. Beautiful day; had light frost this morn. was supposed to be 34. Pap went to Smithton Bank. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came, we went along in to Quernheims, Mrs. Orlet is laid out with black dress & white collar & gray coffin, looks natural, has lot of mass cards, & 4 bouquets flowers; there were quite a few people there this eve. Fr. Joe [Orlet] prayed rosary.
Wednesday, March 23, 1938
Cooler today. Pap hauled 4 loads wheat to Waterloo, got 77 [cents] 76 [cents] 75 [cents] top – 80 [cents]; wheat is getting hot; & dirty. Bert [Bertille] finished cleaning upstairs, except for washing curtains. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this eve; her & Bert went to lent service. Fr. Joe. Orlet had sermon. Wuller the Ex pres. of Belleville bank is to go to jail latter part of week for 15 yrs. & at 5 yrs. paroled.
Tuesday, March 22, 1938
Another beautiful day, few showers this eve. Pap hauled load posts home, made garden planted 100 cabbage frost proof plants; cut lawn, trimmed rose bushes, etc.
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