Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Leo & family were here for dinner, had beef soup & roast. A. [Aunt] Mary went to meeting at church this afternoon, had meeting in prepartion [sic – preparation] for Thursday dinner those that don’t fix turkeys, have to make 4 chickens. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] stayed for supper & also Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to E. St. Louis to Ainade Temple to see Hill Billy show. Susie won 1st prize & Joe Lieber 2nd & little boy 3rd; & Jitterbug Dance 1st couple got $20.00 2nd $10.00 & 3rd $5; it was good.
Saturday, Nov. 19, 1938
Pap went out to Henrys got barrl [? – unclear], ready to butcher, brought 5 lbs. beef along @ 18 [cents]. Went to Waterloo to Horn’s sale bought $1.50 all kind of articles. Leona got 4 chairs Leo & family & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were all in to. Leo got card to come to surprize [sic] wedding dance of Kettler & Eitzenhoefer on Thanksgiving Day. Thurs. at Dicks Grove by New Athens.
Friday, Nov. 18, 1938
Uncle Freds birthday. Bert [Bertille] send a card to German Band. Sears order came, everything O.K. except pap’s shoes to little. Geo. Wagner came paid his hog 279 lbs. @ $7.75. Chris Buehler stopped in on way from St. Louis.
Thursday, Nov. 17, 1938
Geo. Wagner’s butchering today came to get there hog, Hy Armstutz truck, & also J. Kammler, weighed 280 lbs. Got the check from Strecks, one weighed 305 lbs. & 7.40 & 340 lbs. .07. Pap went out on trip this afternoon, took scales back out to Henry’s, he is going to kill a beef this evening. Went to Herman Kettler’s this morn. bought mare from him for $10.00; pap walked home & Bert [Bertille] went to Orlets awhile. Ms. Crocker came got 2 bus. potatoes 50 [cents] bu. Raining this eve.
Wednesday, Nov. 16, 1938
Beautiful weather. Pap went out looking for pigs. Hy. Armstutz brought the rest of corn, maybe bus. or so. Went out to Henry’s this eve. got scales. Leo & family came here then came out to Henry’s to. Edgar Cox is presenting a show in school hall tonite about Admiral Byrd Exp. Adm. 10 & 25 [cents], wasn’t so crowded they say. Uncle [Fred] & Aunt Mary were up to see the show. Eggs 28 [cents] now. Oliver Birkner delivered 100 lb. chicken & hog pellets.
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1938
We took 2 hogs to Belleville to Strecks, got $7 & 7.40. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, fixing fence on there places. Came back again this eve. going to Ladies Aid Euchre down in church hall, we didn’t go. Hy. Armstutz brought load willow corn this afternoon. Frank Zoeller was with him.
Monday, Nov. 14, 1938
Washed ironed, patched. Pap plowed a turnip patch. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary working up here, had supper here. Emil fixed our roof put on shingles that wind blew of [sic – off].
Sunday, Nov. 13, 1938
Went to mass. Henry & family were up for dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came this afternoon & also Josie Keller & friends & landlords, 3 folks that live upstairs; took eggs & chickens along; she was operated on while back. Fr. Flanagans Boys Town picture is now being on at Lincoln.
Saturday, Nov. 12, 1938
Pap got load wood sold it to Emil for $2.00; he came over & paid this eve. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this afternoon. So many flies, so warm today. Teurer [? – unclear] brought load corn, also Wittenauers brought a load; this morn. Leo & family came, they were out at Henry’s, they wasn’t at home.
Friday, Nov. 11, 1938
Holiday. Armistice. No mail. Geo. Wagner came over & engaged hog to kill; when it gets cold. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped, they went down to help Buehlers paper. Eggs are 27 [cents] today. Lots of people out hunting; rabbit season opened yesterday; we put up signs this morn. no hunting. It is so nice today again, so warm don’t even need a coat on.
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