Bert [Bertille] washed ironed. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up all day, he worked across street, had beef soup dinner they brought here, had dinner & supper. Celestine Neff was here selling chances on bedspread, donations to go for recovering aisle for centennial mass, which will be in Nov. 11. Pap went to meeting at Kammler’s hall; about the farm plans again. Mrs. Bill Gallagher died this morn. is at Kochs parlor, she was ill for about week; will be buried Wed. morn at Red Bud. Leo & family & Henry & family were here this eve. Radio say frost tonite..
Friday, Sept. 16, 1938
Pap took 11 bus. wheat to Waterloo, got 58 [cents]. brought 50 lbs. flour along. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies, cake & biscuits. Nice cool day. Man here wanted old underwear & things. Al Rausch is hauling coal for H.M. Hill this afternoon. Mr & Mrs. Alb. Crook of Poe Station have a baby boy born in Red Bud hospital last week. Mr & Mrs. Joe Schaefer left Wed. for honey moon to Nigera Falls & going to stop at Chicago visit relatives on way back then go housekeeping in there new home, just recently built by Mr. Schaefer near E. St. Louis, he works for New York Railroad Co; at E. St. Louis. Radio is good these nites, & on day time all you hear is war, don’t know yet whats going to be.
Thursday, Sept. 15, 1938
Uncle Fred walked up & got wagon & team, going to haul wood today, from the woods to his house. Bert [Bertille] started house cleaning west room upstairs, nice cool 59 [degrees] this morn on radio. Wittenauers have harrowing, everybody busy in fields now. Hall’s big circus in town tonite, on Werner Kammlers lots; have elephant, mule, 2 horses, camel, dog, monkey; seen them all when they unloaded, didn’t go to circus. Adm. 20. Emil went said it was pretty good, didn’t last very long; had no musci [sic], at all.
Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1938
Nice cool morning, after all the rain yesterday. Bert [Bertille] ironed, patched; pap. plowed orchard & harrowed it. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up this afternoon working across street. Hall’s big animal circus , coming to town tomorrow nite only. Adm. 20 & 10. and elphant [sic] weighing 5000 lbs. big girl jumbo. Henry & family & Leo & family. It is awful cool this eve; with light rain.
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1938
Raining all day, starting at 8:30. Bert [Bertille] washed, had to hang it in basement on account of the rain, Josie Keller came out had dinner & supper here; had chicken for supper, she took eggs, chicken & potatoes along back. Birkners couldn’t came up, on account of the weather, roads being to muddy. Joe Schaefer & Loretta Biffar were married at Waterloo this morn. real rainy day; had wedding dance at Paulter’s pavilion we went; attendants were here [sic] sister Priscilla with rust color dress, & Mildred Rheinhardt blue; boys I don’t know; had nice big crowd, served cake to all. Schoenborns Orc. played.
Monday, Sept. 12, 1938
Had little rain & cooler now. Bert [Bertille] cut lawn, planted out flower slips. Pap schocked corn & hauled fodder home. Harold Wagner is now operating a gas station on the Phil Braun pump gas tanks. on his premises. Report is that Hugo Probst had purse of $50. stolen from his home.
Sunday, Sept. 11, 1938
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here all morn. went home. Emil was here awhile too; he is invited out to Cleveland’s celebrating Grovers 21 yr. birthday, which is tomorrow. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came brought lawn mower back, fixed it up. from here they went to Leo’s. Mary Braun & Doris Peiffer having birthday dance at Daabs tonite Schmidts playing. Adm. 25 [cents].
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