Friday, Nov. 10, 1939

Raining nearly all morn. Leo & family came this afternoon, he went to New Athens to dentist, she stayed here, we made pillows. Seen in Waterloo paper Ed McDermott of Washington have baby boy Charles Luke born Oct. 31 at Washington Providence Hospital. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to see Bill’s mother & Booby. Fr. Joe Orlet & his dad were here this eve. on business.

Thursday, Nov. 9, 1939

Beautiful weather these days; so nice warm. Klein Bros. came yesterday & got 3 pigs $12.00 pc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in, they was at a corn field fire, at Veilwelers near Cortner land; Bert [Bertille] made dish towels. Mr & Mrs Ben Heyl stopped in to take look at hog feeder. Vic Papenbergs 1st wedding Ann. today; went over radio. Bert paid coal bill, $19.43 – 14 6 1/2 bus. coal @ 9 [cents]. $13.51 & 4 [cents] hauling $5.86 to Eichenseers. Leo & family came this eve.

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1939

Washed, ironed. Eichenseer boys hauled in 2 loads coal. Pap went out on business trip this afternoon. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to euchre in School Hall given by the Holy Name Society. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to Paderborn euchre there, & also Millsdadt [sic] has a card party tonite, all in same nite. Cortner boys bought a new V-8 traded in 1937 chev.

Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1939

Went to Belleville, sold everything. Eggs 30 [cents]. Had piece bacon & sausage left, turnips also. Leo & family had supper here. Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville with them. A Bruehl man near Belleville close to Ross Filling station killed his daughter & wife last nite, he is in jail; Another man was robbed & killed near a store; on Ill. Street. Wittenauer shocked load corn, took it home, & brought one here also. Papa & Marita went to election; in Firemens Hall; County Election. Schmidt won against Jost for Judge. Altes Co. Commissioner. Bill [Klein] came got Bert [Bertille] took Woody Acker to Belleville; also his girlfriend on business.

Monday, Nov. 6, 1939

Pretty warm. We butchered 176 lb. hog. Leo & family & Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary helped. Bill [Klein] stopped in, was down to see Hy. Bruns about tractor. Mr. Hill came to get news from yesterday. Hogs today $6.65.

Sunday, Nov. 5, 1939

Went to mass. Berts [Bertille] 25 yr. birthday. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Leo & family were here for dinner; chicken & beef, for supper Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Bill Josie Keller brother Fred; played cards this afternoon. Herman of Columbia was here, H. Wittenauer, Klein Bros. on business; looked at horses & pigs. Beautiful day.

Saturday, Nov. 4, 1939

Bert [Bertille] baked pumpkin pie, made chicken. Henry brought pc. beef, he butchered Thurs. eve. 3 lbs; we got so much meat yet; will have it tomorrow, made steaks for supper. Was at Columbia this afternoon to see Leo Herman about selling our horses, & etc. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, were called to see Herbert Stalhebers over at Jennie Coop were her mother Mrs. Stahlbers has 1 room there, on business. Went througth Smithton paid Bill [Klein] for Whip. repair everything also the bill from accident, $12.00; altogether $37.55 in all. Mrs. Rennecker came over to get doz. eggs 25 [cents] price here in store.

Friday, Nov. 3, 1939

Cleaned chicken house, barn, cleaned house. Seen in paper, Joe Lieber who sings over radio, played on Mayor Bowes program & was awarded job to play in Chicago Theathre [sic]. Anton Helfrich won 2nd prize $6.00 in corn shocking contest last Sat. in bottoms; People by the name of Hamptons have moved into the Fristsches property last week, & children going to Hecker school.

Thursday, Nov. 2, 1939

Went to 8 o clock mass, only one in Red Bud. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came pap went along with him to Waterloo on business for him. We cooked soap; cleaned smoke house, sharpened butcher knifes; baked cookies & cake. Pretty cold this eve.

Wednesday, November 1, 1939

Went to 6 o clock mass. Bill [Klein] & Bert [Bertille] went to St. Louis with Meng of Freeburg to Westinghouse plant, bought electric stove & radio for $85.00 delivered; demonstrator stove, but really bargain.