Cloudy. We went to Red Bud to Ford Dealer & Chev. & there we got 1938 Chev. Coupe with heater & froster, 6 sets chains for $580 & old Chev. 1926 model $164.00. Black coupe pretty good trade. We canned 2 qts pickles & tomatoes; fixed garage for new car. Kleins got about 2 [cents] bu. for our onions & 50 [cents] bu. potatoes. last Thurs. at St. Louis. Bill [Klein] started working there today in store. Jac. Erle was here to Ins. [insure] car; also Ms. Becker, we insured with Becker for liability & property damage $16.65 yr. Henry & family came brought potatoes, quite a few bushels, & nice ones they got this year. Emil came over to look at the car; same as Uncle Fred’s.
Monday, July 18, 1938
Filed Under: 1938, July, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: 1926_Chevrolet, 1938_Chevrolet_Coupe, Becker, Becker_Insurance, Birkner, Brand, canning, car_insurance, Chevrolet, Chevrolet_Coupe, Emil, Erle, Floyd, Ford_Dealer, Henry, Klein, Leona, new_car, new_job, pickles, potatoes, Red_Bud, Robert, selling_produce, St._Louis, trading_cars, Uncle Fred, Willis
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