Bert cleaned, pap went to Red Bud to see Hartmann. This afternoon hauled a load wood in basement. Mr. Davies was here yesterday, wanted to trade; he took 2 doz. eggs along 19¢. Seen in Times that Joe Freund had auto accident last Sun. morn, near Booster Station, says he was crowded of the slab, car turned over landing on radiator, & quite a bit damage to the car, but he only has a few scratches. Transfer of Owen J. Fahey & wife to Ed. Fahey & then again Ed. Fahey to Amie, his mother. Tipton presents “Taming of Tuffy” tonite there. Leo & Rosalia & Jake came this eve. played pinochle about 6 games.
Sunday, Aug. 23, 1936
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile after mass. There 38th wedding Anniv. The Hecker Catholic church pinic [sic] cleared $800. & Red Bud on ice cream social $300. all pretty good. We went to Pautlers to Al. Einwich birthday dance, Rythmn [sic] Kings Gents 25 ladies free, had pretty nice crowd. Alvis Roth had a collision, coming out of the Douglas road & didn’t stop, got knocked of machine a total wreck.
Sunday, July 19, 1936
Boy! did it rain, & hail this morn; big as chicken egg; & heavy we didn’t get to church, heavy thunder. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, had lunch here. Nice sunshine this afternoon; pretty warm again. The Peveley truck went through & hit the electric wire by Joe Watchel tore it lose, & took piece of the truck, but he never stopped; Rob. & Joe & Geo. Wagner took charge of it, took the wire of [sic] altogether, disconected [sic], till the power line came through, tore there post down, have to wash it with wadboard now, & no electric lights, Joe said last nite, if it only holds till the power line comes, they got the posts all set from New Athens till in town here, but they had to go to Percy & make repairs there from the storm they had down there, then coming back & continue here agin, just following the telephone line. There is a free dance at Log cabin tonite, musci [sic] by Skaer’s, Miss Viola Schallann & Rubemeyer had a wedding dance at Valmeyer, he is from there, Omer & Tillie went there, sure had a nice crowd.
Friday, June 5, 1936
Baked. Henry, Rob. & Grover hay maker were here this afternoon for lunch, didn’t quite get finished, took 1 load home. This morning there was a large truck went by, took the wire, of knock telephone post off, brackets lying all over, Griffin fixed it this afternoon, we were off the line, he hit the wire that crosses the hard road to our post & house on this side. Sure cool evenings.
Friday, May 22, 1936
Henry & Rob. came raked hay, we helped put 1 load in & he took 1 home; had dinner here. Hodges of Marissa was here Wed. to collect his money to pay the other guy Anderson for colt – $8.00 they paid, he wanted $12 first; that is the guy Henry got the team mares from, his all have colts now, 9 head horses & mules on his place. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in this evening, they were at Ed. Parkers; his boy fell & broke his arm; & Ed Cortner’s girl broke her arm also. We got a letter sent from Blanche Crowe for graduating exercises to be on 29.
Monday, May 11, 1936
The Hecker fire co gave a dance last nite at Maniers, had a big crowd. Moonlighters played & on there way home Keim’s driving & his car, with Ben Schilling, Walter Braun, Armin Bectholdt, upset his car, other side of Kemps. Ben has sore arm, & shoulder. Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary & Bert went in to Belleville hospital, Omer came to there this evening.
Monday, May 4, 1936
We washed, ironed, planted all our geranuims [sic] out nice day. Rob & Billy stayed here, rest went to Belleville, [Floyd] got his hand redressed again, took stitches out. It will cost him $50.00 or more, for cutting the finger, that is doctor bill; he was on the operating table 1 hr. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening worked there garden, brought 6 tomatoe [sic] plants along for us.
Friday, April 24, 1936
Pap went to Red Bud; to Wm. Vogt bought a sow 165 lbs. @ 12¢ – to have pigs in a week, he delivered here. Henry came, went to Belleville & got the rest, brought Floyd home, he looks pale, hand all tied up, have to bring him back next Thurs. Mrs. Pete Matzenbacher is in the hospital at St. Louis, for cancer.
Wednesday, April 22, 1936
Hauling logs all day. Uncle Fred helped to, they had dinner here. Aunt Mary & Rose went over to Minnie’s fixing her dress, Rose smocked it. Leona brought Floyd to the Dr; cut his hand in chopping box, fingers nearly of [sic – off]; took him to the hospital at Belleville, to see what they could do. Gus Geodelle went along in, she stayed there with the boy’s. Henry Birkner’s, Glenn fell from L. Birkner’s sink in Hecker here Sun, & bit his lip & tongue in through, & had to take it also to hospital & have it clamped together. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening.
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