Henry came this afternoon, Rose went along in to Belleville to stay over nite, they have to leave Floyd in there a couple of days, took 1 finger of [sic – off], & sewed the others together; left hand. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, he hauled rocks, she stayed here & went to Minnie also. Al. Cleveland got 82 lb. corn for seed. Pap went to Windell Rahn West of Red Bud to his sale; didn’t buy anything. Adam Braun’s have a 2 hand [ed – second hand] car chev, 1932, marron [sic].
Friday, Oct. 30, 1931
It is cold out today. The fellows that left there truck here yesterday got it again today. I seen in the paper that Ervin Boo & Vera Kropp are married now, he had his one leg taken off. The School children of the Public School is Hecker had apple picking last Sat. they picked 25 bu. one bu for every child & stored them in the School to be aten [sic] this winter. Irvin [?] Reheis was awarded $50 for selling tickets for the Lincoln Teathre [sic- theatre]. The Blackburn School is having a big Hallo’wen party tonight for the children.
Saturday, May 9, 1931
I seen in the paper that Fritzie Boo had his leg taken off now, & is getting along nicely. Martin Schilling’s have a little baby girl, they now have 2 boy’s & 2 girls. Papa went down to the truck patch & planted pickle seed, he was over by Louis Armstutz’s a little while he called him over there. Rosalia & Bertille went to the Jackson’s show tonight, & the people there, it was sure a crowd, most of them with there parked cars, they sold soap, medicine, & candy, it had slips in the boxes, Harold Wagner had one with it he got a big Indian Blanket, Rosalia [Rosalie?] Braun, Meba Hepp got teaspoons, Henry Bruns a mirrow, & many others received prizes. They played the show “Crazy House” it was good. They also gave free attendance thickes [tickets] out, we got 3 of them, chances to win a blanket.
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