Henry & Rob. came raked hay, we helped put 1 load in & he took 1 home; had dinner here. Hodges of Marissa was here Wed. to collect his money to pay the other guy Anderson for colt – $8.00 they paid, he wanted $12 first; that is the guy Henry got the team mares from, his all have colts now, 9 head horses & mules on his place. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in this evening, they were at Ed. Parkers; his boy fell & broke his arm; & Ed Cortner’s girl broke her arm also. We got a letter sent from Blanche Crowe for graduating exercises to be on 29.
Tuesday, July 29, 1930
Uncle Fred came up & helped Papa haul straw this morning. He was here for lunch. Before noon he went home & got Aunt Mary & then they both was here for dinner. We had chicken dinner. After dinner we went down to George Vonderveil sale. Papa bought 400 worth of stuff, a shovel & a spring buggy. Everything went cheap there too. Henry Birkner bought a horse for $7.00. This evening Jac. Anderson & his son were here and looked at the mare and colt. He thought maybe he would take her. He is going to let us know tomorrow morning. Today is Catholic Church picnic at Red Bud.
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