Thursday, June 21, 1934

Rob. Mertz is going to put a new roof on the shed binder out at Henry’s today. Summer begins. They oiled to Hecker streets. Cleaned chick house. Henry & family came, kids stayed here had dinner, Bertille rode along with them to Belleville, shopping. We sure had a nice rain, rather windy. There was a man killed on the Columbia hardroad, in automobile accident. Mr. & Mrs. Omar Mertz of Red Bud have a baby boy born June 15. Mrs. Bertha Probst has returned home from the hospital. Miss Marjorie Rausch is in the hospital, was operated for appendix. Beautiful evening after the rain. Had first chicken & kraut slaw dinner.

Friday, Sept. 30, 1932

We made a lb. of butter again this morn, but no chance selling it. Rosalia & Bertille went to Red Bud this afternoon to see Mr. Voss grocery store, wether [sic – whether] they buy cream, they buy it, so I guess will sell it there, 14¢ today, they are paying, take it anyday. While at Red Bud we went to see Mrs. Owen Fahey, she is pretty weak, but I guess will get along alright now the way the doctors’ say. She got operated last week on appendix, now a lump of matter formed, & they opened it up this afternoon while we were waiting. Marcella was there. Rosalia got a letter from Miss Bell asking us all to come & see her Sun. all day, so we stopped in there to & told her, we couldn’t come on Sun. Angela Eichenseer is getting along good at Belleville, she will come home by Mon. She got adenoid & tonsils & growth in mouth removed, she is in a room of 5 patients, it costs her $12 a week. Mrs. Griffin is so awful weak, she is on the same floor with Angela. I seen in the paper that we have a Dentist Schilling in town in Maniers place started last Wednesday.

Sunday, April 24, 1932

We went to Red Bud church, & also went to the hospital to see Mamie Meuth, she got operated for appendix, she is getting along fine. Clem Parker & Aaron Papenberg where here & invited us for the barn dance at George Parkers tonite, Elmer’s 18th Birthday. So we went out this evening. Papa went up town this afternoon. Bertille went up to Lester Gregson’s but there was nobody there, they where at Joe Gregsons.

Wednesday, April 20, 1932

Papa & Rosalia finished strawing potatoes this morn. We got 10 hens & incubator hatching, 130 chickens we have, from them, we set 13 hens now again, & got 5 more hatching these days. Katie Klotz was here & asked if she could get cistern water from Aunt Mary’s, she got 2 milk cans, for washing & cooking soap. This evening we went out to Henry’s took the plow out, she planted out 30 tomatoe [sic] plants. The old Hepp building in being torn down here in town. Mamie Mueth got operated on this morn. for appendix at Red Bud.

Saturday, April 16, 1932

Papa got crushing done this morn. this afternoon him & Bertille went to Wm. Sheets sale, but didn’t buy anything. Greg. McCarthy the Hecker school teacher quite [sic – quit] his term here, & received his full pay, the directors where going to fire him, school was supposed to be out Apr. 29, but now I guess it’ out already. Wm. Harbaugh’s boy is in Red Bud hospital got operated for appendix. He is about 4 yrs. old. It was already bust open when he got there.

Saturday, March 5, 1932

This morning snow fell & cold, it is to be 15 above zero tonight, the paper says. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, they went down to Red Bud to Hy. Frischkorn’s sale, but it was postponed they thought until Sat., he was going to call over the lines then, when he would have it. So she helped to quilt this afternoon. They where here for supper. Geo. Sensel postponed his sale until Wednesday. The paper say’s the heaviest snow of this winter fell this morning. At noon, the sun came out it wasn’t just so bad, but tonight is awful cold. We made fire in the furnace again. Pearl Griffin was operated on last Tues. for appendix, & is getting along nicely so far. They haven’t found Lindy’s baby yet, $50,000 ransom is out for them, if they bring the child back.

Monday, May 11, 1931

Yesterday morning Henry Volkmann & wife while going home from church with the buggy met with a accident, there was a car coming from both directions, & the one drove to close & took the wheel off the buggy, it is just funny no one was hurt, & the buggy is altogether in a wreck, it happened almost in front Kuhn’s house, they settled it right there.  Bertille went to church this morning.  Papa & Rosalia went up in the woods.  Bertille went up to the school hall to see the play or rather moving picture show, given by the Cathestists [catechists] of New Mexico & Calif, Texas, it was good.  Tonight they will be in Paderborn.  The weather is sure funny, it rains, then the sun shines, real April & May Showers.  Harold Dueker is in St. Mary’s Elizabeth Hospital for appendix.  Rosalia & Bertille went up to Mamie’s took her along & then went to the show, the crowd increases every night, instead of giving the blanket away tonight, he is going to give 2 tomorrow night.  Vic. Eichenseer took his medicine & improved a lot.  Eggs are 12¢.

Monday, December 1, 1930

Bertille was at church this morning.  Papa & Rosalia went to Belleville again today with the eggs.  Last week they took Mrs. Owen Fahey & Mrs. Rose Crook to the hospital in Red Bud.  Mrs. Fahey is to get operated on appendix & Mrs. Albert Crook has heart & kidney trouble.  There was no funeral in the Hecker Catholic Church during 1930 church year.  There was a man here at noon and wanted to sell some rugs & 3 fur coats, but you had to make your price on them, we didn’t take any it looked kind of suspicious, like it might of been stolen goods, the man was from California, and has intended to go to Canada & Montreal.  There were 2 men in the car.  Papa & Rosalia sold 18 doz. eggs for .40¢ a doz. to some customers in Belleville.  Ed Meng was over a little while & took a look at our hogs.  He wanted to know if Henry still had his for sale, so Bertille called out to Henry’s & found out.  Papa went over to Meng’s & told him & also took his post hole digger back again.  The paper says 20 above zero tonight.

Friday, Oct. 3, 1930

Rosalia went to church this morning.  Papa hauled 2 loads of coal this morning.  They took Delbert Meuth son of Nick Meuth to the hospital one day last week, where he will be operated on appendix.  Mrs. Lorberg is staying with him in the hospital.  Papa hauled 5 loads of coal this afternoon.  Henry called up and wanted to know if Rosalia could take Leona to Waterloo to the doctor this afternoon, so she took her in.  Leona went out to get the mail yesterday afternoon & she ran back to the house & stumbled & cut a big gash in her chin down to the bone.  The doctor put a piece of plaster over it to heal, if it don’t heal shut that way then she will have to get it sewed together.  I seen in the Times, that Clyde Crowe & Walter Schmidt left last Tuesday for Ada Groves, Iowa to visit with Schmidts relatives.  We found 3 dozen eggs today.