Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1935

Bert finished ironing, baked bread & coffee cake. Papa & Rosalia went out to Henry’s, cut some more hay down; had lunches & dinner there. Schwarz was around selling apples 75¢ & 1 bu. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening; brought pears & pickles.

Thursday, July 11, 1935

Selling apples, 80¢ bu. a guy here, we didn’t take none. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, finished lawning there place. John Reheis is threshing now. Aunt Mary got a card from Jennette Ronnenberg to come to her wedding dance Sat. nite at Praire [sic] Du Rocher don’t say to whom; she should tell Oscar & Larry, A. Rittmeyers, & us.

Tuesday, March 26, 1935

We washed, ironed. Chas. Helfrich & son were here got load hay for $12.00. A man around selling apples 35 & 40¢ pk. Papa took 14 bus. wheat to Red Bud got 81¢; got all kind mash & medicine for the little chix, disenfectant [sic] for brooder house etc. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, she was quilting at Mary’s today, finished it up. We patched tonite.

Tuesday, Oct. 23, 1934

We cleaned, baked. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon. Henry brought a load corn, took radishes & pumpkins along home. Mr. Schwagel & bride, picture was in yesterday paper. E. Wagner was around selling apples $1.25 bu. we didn’t take any. Baked a cake for Red Bud Catholic Church Supper & card party tomorrow night; also going to give pck. potatoes, 1 doz. eggs, 2 chickens, box sweet potatoes for euchre prize.

Saturday, Oct. 20, 1934

Papa got crushing done. We went to Belleville this afternoon got bu. apples at Schmisseur’s Store for $1.00. It rained a little this morning. Mr. Hugo Schwagel of Smithon [sic], storeman & Miss Edna Southoff of Millsdat [sic] were united in marriage at New Baden at 7 o clock by Fr. Wallers this morning; surprize [sic] to there many friends. Mr. Henry Weigand is in the Hospital at Belleville, operated on Thurs. morning for appendix, is getting along well. Mr. Willie Matzenbacher’s called there baby boy Werner & Osie Matzenbacher called there Harold.

Tuesday, Oct. 9, 1934

Aunt Mary came over. We washed, ironed, patched. Today is the last game of ball between Cardinals & Tiger’s, they are even now, today tells the tale who wines. The Cardinals won out. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had dinner here. We dug the rest of our sweet potatoes out, got about 2 bus. for sale. Uncle helped to. Aunt Mary & us, kids went fishing caught 8, they are so small, we through [sic] it back in again. Uncle Pete’s birthday. Henry brought the tractor up. Leona & kids came to get him; he didn’t work any more this evening. Steve Rennicker was collecting telephone dues, ours is 75¢. Hy. was here selling pears, 50¢ bu. & some guy around selling apples $1.00 bu. Looks like rain.

Wednesday, Sept. 12, 1934

We washed, hung in the basement, raining out & cloudy weather, rain, nearly all night & thundering. Today Dr. Isselhardt, dentists start in Hecker again, Kammler’s upstairs, upend up again through the winter months; from 10-4. A man here selling apples $1.25 bu. & pears $1.00, we bought a peck to eat; awful good, but little; took our flower slips in, upstairs.

Friday, July 20, 1934

Hauled water out for pigs. J. Wittenauers selling pickles in town $1.50 bus. Mrs. Scheinder $1.25. Clevelands $1.40. Jake Reheis he got $2.00. John Reheis sell there’s in Red Bud. People stopped bought 5 roosters 10½ lbs. @ 18¢; about 2 lbs. apiece. A man here selling apples 75¢ bu. George Wagner’s family were here a little while. The settlement of Pete Reheis & Fritsche was in the paper for the last time, will be on July 28 at Belleville Court House; he foreclose him. The assesed [sic] valuation was in the Times; we are the highest in Hecker & around. Joe Watchel & Robert Laut dug a 2o ft. well on Watchel lot.

Thursday, Dec. 15, 1932

We all went out Henry’s butchering today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Emil & Mr. & Mrs. Gus Geodelle where all there. We couldn’t get the Whippet started to go home, cranked & put hot water on, but it wouldn’t go, so Uncle Fred pulled us till to the hills but, then it wouldn’t go up, his wheels started spinning still, so Adolp [sic – Adoph?] Petri & his wife came along, they both helped to push, but still didn’t go, so we put chains on Uncle Freds machine & then it went up right away, till we got by Kemp’s the Whip started then Uncle Fred turned around & went home, & it worked all right coming home. The people that lived on Hirst’s place where out there trying to to sell apples. Leona bought a peck, $1.00 bus, they where bruised & fallen.

Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1932

Mr. Loresch from Red Bud was here & wanted to sell us some marble flower pots to put on the front porch, for $1.75 a piece, we didn’t take the. Papa & Neff’s went out wood sawing again, guess they will finished this afternoon. Herzog a fruit tree agent from Belleville wanted to sell us Dintelman’s tree’s, but we have plenty. Joe Wacthel is butchering today. Frank Geschwinder & his bride came home yesterday from there honey moon trip. The Eichenseer kids where around trying to sell Christmas seals stamps. Mr. Stadleman was around selling apples $1.50 bu. we didn’t take any. He sold a good many bus. here in town.