Went to Red Bud. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile, Pete Reheis has fire yesterday, burned potatoe [sic] straw in morning. & thought they had it all out, & in afternoon starting burning again, 2 straw stacks & hay, had Hecker fire engine out, they had no water, got tanks & hauled from the creek & John Reheis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were there last nite awhile. Omer & Bert went to Columbia Homecoming was pretty nice, had Ill. Central train in parade. Roy Quin & Ozark Sweehart [sic] were there. Went to Oak Grove, Sinclairs Oil Employes [sic] gave a free dance, music by Blossom City. Prize Waltz was given $1. to Hazel Flynn & 5 qts. oil to Hartmann of near Red Bud. J. Horn, Barthel, & Brand were judges. Nelson Church & Berneice Reitz had a wedding dance at Breezy Hill. Rose went to New Baden, Kettler’s 25. Wedding Anniv. Hy. Armstutz was here.
Thursday, Aug. 20, 1936
Sure hot; in Colrado [sic] at the mountains its snowing. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to see L. Armstutz; he is getting better can talk again now, but had a piece taken out of his tongue & has it sewed again. Pap went out on a business trip, down by Red Bud. Eggs are 19¢
Thursday, July 9, 1936
Pap & Rose took wheat 23 bus. to Waterloo from Pabsts got 98¢; best price; we baked cake etc; went out to help Leona this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening. Hy. Armstutz came & got coop chickens, sold to Mertz. Awful hot days. Nic Helfrich brought sacks here, he hauled wheat for Walter Wittenauer.
Tuesday, July 7, 1936
Baked bread etc. Rose helped pap finish spreading lime dust this morning. Boy is it hot this afternoon, some places it is 118 degrees; that must be some heat; stock is drying, starving, pastures are black, in western states, Dakotas, Missesota. Chris Buehler is threshing. Hy. Armstutz hauled the oats from our ground & threshed them down there, we got 16 bus. our share, put them in Uncle Freds barn.
Tuesday, May 12, 1936
Celestine Neff came selling chances for a quilt, to be raffled at there play. Josie Keller visited at the hospital tonite. Lester Gregson & Cora Armstutz called there this afternoon where we were there, Bert came along home, Rose stayed tonite. Henry was over at Mengs with the team, called here a while.
Thursday, April 30, 1936
Pap went Praire [sic] Du Rocher to McBride to get a sow. We baked doughnuts, Bert went along to Belleville with Henry & Leona, had to get Floyd’s hand redressed; looks terrible; they had dinner here. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, lawned & planted cabbage & beans etc; went over to Minnie’s & got her dress finished 25¢ now. We planted 77 cabbage plants, & 87 sweet potatoes; this evening & tomatoes. Beautiful day, warm. Louis Armstutz’s have a big supper at there place tonite, Alumium [sic] cooking ware, there advertising, 2 men & lady from city are doing it, furnished everything; she had to ask 6 couples, Mr & Mrs Milton Wagner, Harry Kammler’s, Hugo Probsts, Lester Gregsons, Joe Wacthels, & themselves; supper to be at 7:30. Eggs 18¢.
Saturday, March 14, 1936
Pap sewed clover seed down below in Hy Armstutz oats patch, then went to help Henry sew again. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up, planted 7 rows potatoes. We went out & listened to there radio tonite. Mrs. Bill Rahn Red Bud died of fractured skull, they said Emett Cowell took her to Columbia, & she fell from the car, door flew open, going 30 miles, happened last Mon. some time; we had heard it on the radio, that she was hurt. Ivo Buehler is 18 yrs. old today. Ligntening [sic] & cloudy weather.
Wednesday, March 11, 1936
Cold this morn. rained, & north wind. Papa went out to see Uncle Adam, he is better again, doctor comes everyday, he was sitting up again, pap took onion sets along for Emil, & seed for Leona, they went to E. St. Louis; today. Mrs. Hill came & got 1 gal. sour milk for 9¢ all she had brought. We went to Belleville, Bert got spring hat. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here, she visited Armstutz’s this afternoon. Church services tonite; we didn’t go. Rose went to Red Bud in morn, to Saxemeyer’s change the advertisement ad in there news. Levi Gregson came & got there onion sets from A. [Aunt] Mary.
Thursday, Jan. 16, 1936
We butchered, 1 & Uncle got 1, Henry helped [unclear]. Hy. Armstutz shot them; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stayed awhile in eve. Klein Bros. got the sow & pigs; An alarm ring went over the lines that sales agents were going around, they were warned by 5 coustmers [sic] to be on the look out, before signing any contracts, to read them over careful; Awful cold wind today. S. Rennecker also butchering.
Saturday, Dec. 28, 1935
Pap took chev. to Probsts, & oil pump isn’t working, & he hasn’t any new ones there at present, so will have to wait till Tues; but he got it a going again this afternoon. George Wagner’s are butchering, got it from Gus. Klotz. Hy. Armstutz is doing the work. Beautiful morning snowed all nite, everybody is busy sweeping sidewalks this morn. Henry stopped in, he got crushing done this afternoon. Charles brought the mail. Monroe Feruer came papa had to sign Pabsts contracts papers.
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