Ironed. Aunt Mary is 60 yrs. old today. They came this evening & we went along to Red Bud to euchre, Uncle Fred had 9 points got apron, pap 8 & Bert 7, but didn’t get no prize; Leroy Siefert got attendance prize, magazaine [sic] table; pillow slips that were raffled were won by Mrs. Otto Huch. There is to be 200 people from Cairo brought into Red Bud tonite, in Gym. left 400 at Chester, also took train load to St. Louis they say.
Saturday, April 4, 1936
Pap went out to haul wood again this morning. Lot of news on the radio of Hauptmann; & flood all over in Southern State & a tornado passed through Georgia & South Carolina, quite a few injured, & killed, 1000 are homeless, houses blewn [sic] to pieces. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came he went in the woods to get rock. R. Zipfel of Red Bud brought us our chicks – 305 – 280 @ 9.25 – $25.90 & 25 that pap won as attendance prize; we got 75 lbs. slartine [unclear – possibly starting] a mash along free, 25 lbs. with every 100 chicks; there all pretty nice White Rocks. Joe Griffin came & put us a new A. battery radio for half price $1.50, it works pretty good now, Steve Rennecker was here, collecting telephone dues. Eggs are only 15¢ now here; 16¢ on radio this morn.
Tuesday, Jan. 14, 1936
Rose went out to Henrys brought there wash along so we washed ironed again, also quilted, Burgdorf looked at heifers. Bert & Rose went to the euchre in School Hall, Lizzie Boll got pillow slips attendance prize; Rose got box stationary had 9 points Bert only had 7.
Wednesday, Nov. 20, 1935
Fried down bacon & sausage. Send a order to Chicago Mail Order for shoes, felts for pap. Today Barbara Schoenborn of Paderborn working at Belleville & Roos are being married at the Catherdral [sic] at Belleville, dance at Daab’s Club House tonite, musci [sic] by Clem Rheinhardt & Gus Schaefer & Jake Schoenborn. & Joe Freund & Viola Einwich have a double birthday dance at Pautler’s, musci [sic] by Moonlighters, Gents 25 ladies free & goose as attendance prize, he send Berti a invitation card. Hy. Armstutz brought load corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening & took Rose & Berti along, went to Pautlers to the birthday dance; Lanking won the goose, but he has so many; so they gave him $1.50; 1 kept the goose; pretty nice crowd.
Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, got there liver sausage & kettle grease; had lunch, we washed, ironed, rendered lard got 3 gals. Papa went in woods. The Y.P.L. has a euchre & dance in Kammler’s Hall tonite. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, then Ros & Bert went along up to the euchre. Uncle was the lucky one, he got prize, a flower vase, had 7 points, we had 6, played 12 games; then danced but Moonlight Orch; the prizes weren’t so nice, pretty nice crowd; Mrs. Milton Wagner won attendance prize. There is also euchre & dance at Paderborn.
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1935
Pap & Rose cut corn, Bert baked bread; had chicken dinner. this afternoon dug potatoes, over 2 bus. & ½ bucket sweet potatoes, nice big ones. Mrs. Louis Miller is being buried at Belleville this afternoon, Cora Armstutz’s aunt, & Ida Heyl’s also. Hy. Euchelmann Jr. is giving a birthday dance at Coxeyville to nite, Moonlight Orc. case beer given as attendance prize. Showers in school hall here for Rosella Braun & Angela Eichenseer, given by sisters, & Sodality girls & there brothers. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Renneker came over this evening while.
Tuesday, May 7, 1935
Ironed, patched this morning. Papa went to Red Bud, got 100 lbs. growena, from Zipfel. We went out to Henrys this afternoon cleaned hall & papered kitchen. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, & we all went to the Catholics euchre, & what a crowd, not many prizes, $1.00 attendance prize was won by Clyde Pautler, of Evansville, 11 points was the highest, Max Welabacher took 1st prize, get 25 chip from Ed Parker, Bertie had 3 got bottle white shoe cleaner, Uncle got stationary, rest got nothing.
Thursday, Oct. 25, 1934
We went down to Valmeyer Farmers Institute all day, speaking & nice program for this afternoon at Welschs Hall had some wonderful exhibits on quilts & fancy work. Few from here were down, Werner’s & Papenberg’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we all went to the euchre at Red Bud; all got prices [sic – prizes], table clothes & runners, rug, plate & ½ gal. syrup, had 10-9-8- some 7- got prices [sic – prizes]. Mrs. Phil Gregson won the attendance prize a quilt, a beautiful one; last night went they said the euchre was called of [sic – off], we all & Ed Brand & wife & Levi Gregson & family all went over to see Miss Mary & Belle Lambert for a short while.
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