Rained a little. Cooking catsup etc. Pap hauling a load rock for drive way. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up, she helped clean dishes for the pinic [sic] on the 10. next week; he cut lawn here. Mr. Geo. Weinhoff of Waterloo was married to Weilbacher at Millsdadt [sic – Millstadt] Miss Elnora – bridesmaid & Milton Weilbacher best man. Wm. Weber & Mary Qurin of Smithton married at St. Therasa [sic – Theresa] at Belleville, priest house, attendanted [sic] by brother & sister. she was formerly at Ruma Convent to be a nun till yr. ago, going to live at Smithton were he runs service Station there. Leo & family got plow share. Received our books from Fr. Spors, there is 41 prizes for 10 [cents] – 3 – 25 [cents]. got 2 books, 1 is filled.
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1937
Leo Orlet & Rose wedding day; had Lizzie Boll & Aunt Mary & Leona helped cook; married at St. Mary’s at 9 o’clock, Isd. & Bert best; lot of people at church, we had breakfast at Fr. Orlets; & took pictures at Ruine, & put news in News Democrat; had Fr. out for dinner & all brothers & sisters, god mothers & fathers; Jos. Keller all for dinner & supper about 40 persons; took pictures here in afternoon. Dance at Paulter tonite musci [sic] by Skaers, etc. & what a crowd, & presents, got 3 sets of dishes 2 knives & forks, blankets, quilts, tea kettle & every so many more; Rained this morning & cloudy all day; foggy. We had Alois Roth’s car, & he took Leo, chaeuffer [sic] for Mr. & Mrs. Orlet & Mr. & Mrs. Roth.
Thursday, Dec. 31, 1936
Last Day of the year & how beautiful, I must say. We went out to Uncle Freds, had dinner & supper there. Clifford Stahelbers wife is in St. Louis at Mt. Rose Sanatorium she has T.B. [tuberculosis]; isn’t well at all, had been steady in bed for 2 weeks. We seen the picture of Walter Stahl & Elvira Qurin in the papers attendants, Edgar Stahl & Viola Quirin, 21 & 19, aged were married at St. Johns Evangical [sic] Church by Rev. Hasto on day before Christmas. Bill Dengarhardt 27, of Bellevile & Rethuermann girl were married yesterday at Cetreville Station by Fr. Keuth, he is Geo. Dengenharts.
Thursday, Nov. 26, 1936
Snow this morn. & all day, colder; not a very nice day. The turkey dinner went pretty good sold 450 tickets & turkey was about all, had 50; sold everything in fancy work & bazzaar [sic]. We were quilting all day, had chicken dinner. Today is the weddings all over, at Tipton Eugene Fahey & Lucille McCarthey, Joe Lynle & Ethel May, & Fauter & Kahner, all in mass at 9:30; Fahey & May gave wedding dance at Donahue’s, very large crowd. Jack Ganley & Helen McCarthy best; Rose May & guy for her sister. Miss Josie Keller & Kuhn stopped awhile; were out for turkey supper. We went to Ralph Weigand’s & Luella Bruns wedding dance at Kammlers hall, nice crowd, but cold. A. Buchons’s furnished musci [sic], marched around the cake, & danced; Hy Brun’s & cousin best, sure received many presents; the bride all wore white with veils. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came to.
Tuesday, Oct. 27, 1936
Nice day, cool. The tree man was here. We went out to Henry’s helped clean bedroom today had dinner. A man here selling electric machine for all kind of work. Mr & Mrs Ed Brand were at Belleville at Frick’s funeral & stopped in here, on way to Levi Gregson’s; to say Hello! Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came from Cortner’s funeral at Hecker here. Mr. William Freund 27 & Marcella Fahey 25 are being married at Tipton this morning, attendants twin [to bride] Estella Fahey & Joe Freund; no wedding dance. Miss Dorothy Schoenborn & Sutter of Millsdadt [sic] married at Belleville this morning, attendants Jac Schoenborn, Rose Stul & Rudy Helfrich & Tillie Rhinehardt, friends, dance held at Stolbergs Lake Belleville.
Wednesday, Oct. 16, 1935
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, she Rose & Berti went to the Wedding mass 9’oclock, quite a few people there. Wittenauer, Eichenseer, Ethel Pour flower girl in pink, & Bud Eichenseer ring bearer; then Mamie as maid of honor, in pink dress, hat & shoes, flowers, then Mary Wittenauer bridesmaid in all green outfit, then the bride in white with veil, in the arm of her father Vic; the groom & his attendants Ray Wittenauer & Odillo as Usher, all enter in sanctuary; had wedding supper for about 50 relatives; this evening gave the dance at Kammlers Hall to friends, served cake, had 400 pieces cake cut, they said; no slipper sold nor collection. Baseball club presented them with a baby blanket, as a present we gave them a berry set; the hall was crowded, & she received many presents, Moonlight Orch; march through hall first, then danced; all different couples. going to move to St. Louis, where he is employed as coal & ice hauler. Clara Wagner came got her hair set. Papa hauled load wood. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening for the dance.
Saturday, Sept. 8, 1934
Rosalia & Berti went to Waterloo, to the Wedding mass of Martha Schilling 24 & Joe Neary 28, the attendants cousins to the bride, Omer Schilling & Olivia Paulter girl; high mass; she wore white with veil & bridesmaid, blue driss [sic] with white hat & shoes, gloves; the groom & his attendant wore dark blue suits; the wedding breakfast & dinner was served at the home of the bride: parents; the young couple will make there home in St. Louis; were the groom is employed. Henry came up, had dinner here, him & papa; went out looking for horses; all day, down at Chris Buehler’s this morn. The people are again recieving [sic] checks on 5% payment from the bank; the next will be 10%; ours came in the letter with Emil’s, he gave it to us this morning. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, then went to Buehler’s birthday there. There is free dance at Donahue’s, Oak Grove, Burksville tonight.
Tuesday, June 12, 1934
Awwful [sic] wind & rain last night. Papa & Rose went to Belleville with load hogs. 3 to Strecks, 2 weighed 355 lbs. at $3.70, & 1 sow, 290 lbs @ $3.00. We washed, ironed beautiful day pop is hauling manure. The umbrella & scissor sharpener was around, Miss Marie Fults, my 2nd yr. school teacher, & Clarence Heberer from Mascoutah were married Sun. morning at the Evangical [sic] church, of Waterloo, by Rev. Kochkeim, the attendants were, Miss Dorothy Werling, a friend, & Miss Luella Fults a sister to the bride. Elaine Kochheim flower girl, Donny Gleiber, nephew of the bride, ring bearer. Clarence Kinchoefer of Decatur a friend as best man, & Clifford Heberer, brother of bridegroom. The Wedding dinner was served at the bride’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. Laf. Fults. They then departed in the afternoon for Denver Colo. for a visit with relatives; then to Boulder to attend summer school; Arriving home about Aug. 1. taking up residence in Mascoutah, where he is employed as teacher in the Public School; Miss Fults was teacher for 11 yrs. in the grade school, in Waterloo. Mr. Heberer is the son of Mrs. Conrad Juenger of Lenzburg. Miss Fults is also soloist for both the Evangical [sic] & Methodist Episcopal Churches, & a member of the Choir.
Saturday, June 3, 1933
We baked cherry pie; Leslie Siebert & Alivera Jatho are to wed this afternoon in Smithon [sic] by Rev. Hasto at 2:30, she is to wear pink silk & blue sash ribbon, the attendant will be, her sister & husband, of St. Louis. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up & we went to Bill Curran’s sale back by Tiptown. Boy! believe me it sure was some sale, 2 mules brought $405. mare & colt, $175.00 everything so high priced. 15 mon. credit, Alfred May was auctioner [sic], Vincent Walsh clerk. Curran got the job to be motor cop on Route 3, they will move to Waterloo now. Authur [sic- Arthur] Fisher is to move there. Lucille McCarthy told us today that Hoffman & Elvira Bozzay of Tiptown will get married Tues. June 6, at 3 o clock in the parsonage, & shower was given to Isabella Kalmer; Mr. & Mrs. Rennecker where over this evening, she was saying that Reuben Kammler got married today, he goes to Carbondale School, & married one from there, it must of been surprised, because Wagner’s wasn’t there.
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