Today the machines go, there is Homecoming at New Athens, & Circus at Belleville. Papa went down to see Ed. Pabst’s, this morning to see the crops there. He bought 12 tiling from the town for 60¢. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up this afternoon, we all had lunch there & this evening we sat on there porch, watching fireworks at New Athen’s & at George Wagner’s. We had music & singing. Joe Schilling finished threshing today & pulled out in the prariere [sic-prairie] are up by Paderborn. He threshed 2214 bus, with oats & wheat.
Sunday, March 29, 1931
Today we received the palms. They were all up for every mass this morning. Henry & family & we all ate lunch, they we left for St. Louis. We stopped in East St. Louis & spoke with Mr. Caldwell. Then drove on over to the bridge, we ate dinner first then we went to Sigmund Dudenhoeffer’s, there we had lunch. Jac. Bachle was there & George came too. He is a Aviator now. Papa, Henry & Jac. went to over to see Val. Adam, but he was working in the Pretzel factory. We came home by Waterloo, & then helped Henry do his work first, then came on home. Bobby was at Aunt Mary’s all day. This evening they all was up for church & after church we had supper. Philip Freund was here too.
Friday, Jan. 16, 1931
Papa isn’t feeling well this morning. Bertille got the mail. In the Waterloo Paper it states that Mr. & Mrs. Matt Crowe have a twin boy & girl at St. Mary’s Hospital in E. St. Louis. They now have seven children 4 boys & 3 girls. Rosalia & Bertille went up in the woods this afternoon & got a load. But we had to put chains on & then take them off again. We stopped at Henry’s first. This evening is bank meeting at the new school. Henry & family & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. The men folks went to the meeting they said there was an awful crowd there. Fr. Grootens was the main speaker & H. M. Hill made a few remarks that Mr. Burkhardt said that he thought everybody would be paid out in full if they gave him time, about a year or so. We played 4 handed pinochle. Bertille & Leona, & Rosalia & Aunt Mary, we each won one game. Then Elsie & Alfred Eckert came & wanted to sell seeds. Aunt Mary bought a package of seed corn. They all left about 10:30.
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 1930
Henry started plowing up here today. Leona came up too and the kids, they were all here for dinner. We washed this morning. Rosalia & Bertille went to the Euchre in Kammler’s Hall this evening, but didn’t win anything. Rosalia had 6 points & Bertille 7, but the 8’s didn’t all get prizes, there wasn’t enough. Aunt Mary got a sauce pan she had 10 points.
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