Wednesday, Dec. 8, 1937

Holiday. Uncle Fred & A. Mary stopped awhile & went home. Cold & getting colder. 12 above suppose to be 4 to nite. Leo & Rose [Rosalia] came Bert [Bertille] went along to Belleville; stopped at Orlets few minutes. Tonite is Devotions for Married people only, this afternoon for young people. Thirtheen [sic] Hr. Devotion in Hecker. Mrs. Mehrmann got 7 doz. eggs. @ 26¢ went up 1¢ yesterday. Adolph Schaefer’s have a baby boy since 2 weeks ago. Henry Heulsheim also have baby boy, thats 2 boys in family now.

Friday, Dec. 3, 1937

Raining all day & nite. Cleaned chicken house. Baked cookies. Pap went up town got papers; seen in there that Ed. Brand had wrote a letter to U. Heyl’s, telling them that last Fri. nite, fire destroyed the United paper Stock Co. were he works, but are going to rebuilt again; was quite a big loss. The plans for the new school building in Waterloo is now ready to go to work will cost building & lots & all $150,000. Farm Adv. Hughes to going to leave Waterloo & taken position in Cook CO; by the first of year; Clarence Olendorph had there baby christened last Sun. Charles William – sponsors Mr. & Mrs. William Minnemean. There will be an India Missionary coming to Evangical [sic] church, will speak & also show pictures. Literary Meeting at School house tonite; speaking old age pension. Mr. Ulrich of Smithton formerly the banker was stricken with apolexcy [sic] taken to hospital were there he died.

Friday, Oct. 22, 1937

Cold & light rain & snow. Henry & boys brought load corn. Bert [Bertille] baked cookies & cake. Emil was here all afternoon. Freedman’s Furniture Co. of Belleville brought his stove things & rug out about 4:30 this eve; put it up. There was a fellow going to sleep in our straw shed over nite, pap wouldn’t allow him there, told him to go to town jail, he says they don’t keep nobody over nite in there, he left from here anyway went back to town. Pete Wacthels called there baby boy Lee Roy. Dr Vogel of Columbia have a baby also. Pap pulled the rest of turnips out & plowed the patch; wagon load this time; so many. Henry & boys brought load cord up; this morn. going to kill heifer today.

Friday, Oct. 15, 1937

Pulled turnips, several bus. – 3 for sale. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in went to Red Bud. A fellow here yesterday selling magazines, was playing football & got concussion of brain, & was speechless, but could hear. Robinson was his name, wants to get enough money to have brain operation. Al. Mueller of Waterloo have baby boy.

Thursday, Oct. 14, 1937

Send a card for us to get group picture of Chas. Stookey’s Early Bird gang at KVSK. We had beef soup dinner. Schmidt brought sack mash feed; took our 4 gal. crock lard @ 12¢ lb. Mehrmann got 7 doz. eggs .21¢ & ½ bu. sweet potatoes 50¢; H. Wittenauer took ½ bu. to; sewing wheat here, yesterday afternoon & today. Cleaned bedroom, varnished furniture, & going to varnish floor tomorrow. Reports is that Mr. & Mrs. Pete Watchel have a baby boy Leroy, Tues. 4 girls 1 boy, & Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Wiegand have baby girl since Sun. morning.

Friday, July 16, 1937

We went to Belleville yesterday afternoon. pap went to dentist. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came went to Chris Buehler’s to help thresh; brought the lawn mower along, Bert [Bertille] cut ours & his to. Got papers at noon seen, Berts school teacher Louis Schilling died, & to be buried this afternoon, we got dressed & went to funeral just got there when they were leaving the house, so we went to church, it was packed, lots of flowers, Wagner had charge of funeral, he was 28 yrs. old had been suffering a yr. had to quite [sic – quit] teaching in middle of last yrs. term, his brother taught in his place he didn’t look at all natural, he had cancer; passed away at 5 o’clock Wed. morn; survived by father & mother, Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schilling & brother Eugene who is also a teacher & a step sister; was laid to rest in Burksville Cemetery. Mr & Mrs L. Wahlous of Waterloo nee Bea Maus have a baby boy born July 11 at St. Marys hospital – 8 lb. Mrs. Clarence Mudd also passed away at Modoc Ill; formerly lived in Waterloo had grocery store there; was 33 yrs. old. Herb. Bertram & Rose Harbaugh were married at 6 o clock mass at Waterloo on July 13, attendants being John Schaefer & Irene Harbaugh. So many pinics [sic] advertised for to be held in Aug. Herman Lucht horse prairie Ins. man was here collecting Ins. policy to run out this non. $17.50. that is house & farm buildings Ins. at Henry’s. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stopped in from Buehler’s threshing; it rained, had to quite [sic – quit] about 4:30. Wm. Wiegand treated a keg beer, box soda then; he is running for Co. Commisioner; it didn’t rain so much here, nice shower.

Friday, June 18, 1937

Uncle Fred took wheat to Waterloo she [Aunt Mary] stayed at Uncle Adams; he isn’t good at all. Pap went out Henry’s all day had dinner, helped finish his job. Was in Waterloo paper J. McDermott & Rose Korando were married at Ava by Fr. Schumacher on June 10 at 9 clock mass. she comes from near Cora was teacher in Jackson & Randolph for past several years. Jack still working at Security Hospital at Menard; wedding breakfast was at Logan Hotel Murphysboro, departed for short honeymoon were attended by cousin Grace Korando, & Chas. Irose nephew of groom; will make there home in Chester. Quite few weddings in Waterloo. Horn – Hergenroeder, attended by Al. & Walter Horn cousins of groom & Grace & Alice Axley cousins of bride & Werling & Rubemeyer. Dougherty nee Elvira Haudrich have a little baby born last week, now have two.

Friday, May 21, 1937

Painted this morn. second coat; cut lawns made butter etc. Uncle Fred & A. Mary were up, till it started thundering & Boy did it rain, heavy & wind broke limbs of [off]. Pierre got milk. Marcellas Harlmann have a baby boy & also Edwin Mehrmann’s on May 15 & Sid Wightmann also, seen it in the paper; Henry Limbach’s bought the farm there living on by Waterloo from N. B. Pautler, recently.

Friday, May 7, 1937

Went to Belleville, pap got his teeth again, ain’t much better so far. Another beautiful day. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up. We got 132 chicks, from 12 hens. Clarence Braun’s have baby girl born Wed. at Belleville hospital. Mrs. Adam Eckert sold her house in town here to Adam Eckert, transfer in paper. We have 2 ducks, 1 egg didn’t hatch & the another 1 is broken. Set 5 more.

Sunday, April 18, 1937

Went to mass. Fr. Stern read it, but isn’t just so healthy yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Leo & Rose were here for dinner & supper. Bishoff had Confirmation here this morn. & raining. Bert [Bertille] went along with Leo & Rose to Floraville to Bockers to a dance nice crowd, musci [sic] by Vogel Bros. Mr. Honnecker of Floraville was buried this afternoon, she died last week. Mrs. Probst from there also was buried last week. Herman Goessling have a baby born on Apr. 14.