We washed, ironed, patched. The Ladies Aid of the Evangical [sic] Church is giving a euchre party at Kammler’s Hall tonite. Werner Kammler is hauling coal in for Geo. Wagner. Al. Eckert had a accident in Belleville Fri. night, fender, & wheel smashed, to the corner to fast & upset on curbing, has the car fixed now. Milton Wagner’s called there little boy Darwin & Geo. Lorbergs called there girl Romona. Rose & Bert went to Waterloo, took papa watch in again & left it there for awhile now; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to the euchre, Uncle had 11 & got sauce pan, & Bert had 10 got little rug; not much of a crowd, & no prizes, 7 euchre tables.
Saturday, Oct. 20, 1934
Papa got crushing done. We went to Belleville this afternoon got bu. apples at Schmisseur’s Store for $1.00. It rained a little this morning. Mr. Hugo Schwagel of Smithon [sic], storeman & Miss Edna Southoff of Millsdat [sic] were united in marriage at New Baden at 7 o clock by Fr. Wallers this morning; surprize [sic] to there many friends. Mr. Henry Weigand is in the Hospital at Belleville, operated on Thurs. morning for appendix, is getting along well. Mr. Willie Matzenbacher’s called there baby boy Werner & Osie Matzenbacher called there Harold.
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