Tuesday, Sept. 3, 1935

We washed, ironed. Cloudy day, no sun shining. Henry was up all day plowing had lunches & dinner. Papa is hauling coal 1 load this morning & 17 bus. & hauled 2 in afternoon. Bernice Wagner was here. Schools started all around today, Emil Hoffmann teacher here, boards by Oscar Klotz. Mrs. Kruse the Blackburn School again, have 10 children, Bill Geodell’s 2 & Al  – 1 – Screviners 1 – Fehrs, Defenbaughs, Wilkerson, Rob [Robert] & Floyd.

Tuesday, Sept. 5, 1933

Schools start today, Miss Burgess teaches Blackburn. It is so foggy this morn. Mat Crowe of St. Louis the policeman got his collar bone broken & skull fractured Sat, in a accident. We washed. We all went out to Aunt Mary’s helped pick peaches, canned; 14 qts; had lunch. They where up here this morn, got 1 doz. cans 75¢. George Boll was here. Christ Buehler’s, not got a sign put up, typhoid fever, children can’t go to school, & they can’t let no one in the house. We dug potatoes this eve.