Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came Bert [Bertille] went along to see the tornado ruins at Darmstadt & Baldwin it looks awful there to ; church tower stands, rest all down & few houses to; then we came home. A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Lent devotion this afternoon. It is so nice today awful warm; Bill Klein, Louis Schoenborn, Isd. Wacthel came we played 5 hand pinochle, had cake, wine. Louis has his car fixed again, Fred Schaefer wrecked it for him last Mon; driving intoxicated.
Tuesday, April 14, 1936
Cloudy this morning, but is nice again. Rose finished her dresses, & we cleaned front room, washed windows put on screens, cut lawn for the first time. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this afternoon, planted out cabbage plants etc. Primary Election today, we didn’t go to vote. Pap & Henry hauled wood all day. A fellow from Belleville looked at the oats, but didn’t take any Boul was his name, Henry bought a pig from him for $9. Henry Hepp was here wanted to borrow lime dust spreader; going to get it tomorrow. Hy. Feurer was here wanted to know if Pabst rented the ground again, if not he take it. Arlene Klotz daughter of Gus Klotz was taken to Belleville Hospital this morning, & was operated on appendix at 11:30, she is sick since Sat. evening, had no bowels moving since; Uncle Fred got a letter from Baldwin saying they should get there gas engine what they bought at her sale, & they wasn’t even at the sale of Mrs. Muench on Mar. 21 last. They have ball games on radio every day.
Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1936
Made cottage cheese; Olivia Laut came got 1 pt. & 5¢ milk. Rose & Berti went out to Henry’s washing, not such a nice day, we took our wash along to; ironed some there today. Some guys from Baldwin looked at our horse; Berneice got the mail; Berti got the free song book & picture from the Pinex Co from Chicago Station, Loul [sic – LuLu] Bell & Scoty [sic – Scotty] also on it. Shrove Tues today. Eggs went up again, 22¢ today; over the radio, so many people being killed in auto accidents here of late, there was a police man shot in E. St. Louis a guy with Kenty [Kentucky] license at 4 o clock this eve. The Ausgutus parish, is having a card pantry tonite; last before lent; Rose & Berti went but didn’t get a thing. Mrs. Levi Gregson got attendance prize.
Saturday, Sept. 7, 1935
Papa went out to Henry’s, Hempe Bros. were there wanted to buy team mares, but didn’t have the cash; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Bertille went to Marrissa this afternoon to Barbecue pinic [sic] & Homecoming, had a nice program at 1 & 3 o’clock; people were strange they had supper here. All children & adults of Evansville, Prairie Du Rocher, Baldwin, & Hecker were invited over to Sportsman’s Park to see ball game, Adm. 25¢ over 17 yrs. of age, under free, they went with 3 truck loads from here Wittenauer’s, Hills & Eichenseers 25¢ ride, left at 12 & came back 6:15. Henry was up & got the hay rake.
Thursday, Feb. 14, 1935
Valentine Day. Nice day, but the roads, just terrible, almost impossible with the car. The funeral of Mrs. Klotz is to be held this afternoon, Wagner Undertaker, they brought her up to the church this morn, & services this afternoon, the road is to bad, for anyone to drive in there, so they will bring her to the church; she was 73 yrs. of age, her father still living; but can’t move about, is bed fast with rheumatism in his legs. Papa went to Baldwin to see a party there. We went out to Uncle Adam’s this evening, he is getting along pretty good again.
Thursday, Aug. 30, 1934
Otto Rahn of near Red Bud have a baby girl; also Dr. Pautler have a baby 9½ [lb] boy Paul. The morning’s & evenings are rather cool. Mrs. Chas Fleckenstein has a sale today. Papa & Berti went, got the drill for 50¢ brought it along home, binder $1.40 & the wagon $32; & corn plants $26; highest things sold; to some one from Baldwin; the binder is still out yet, rather fair crowd, Grossman auctioner, Lawrence Weigand clerk. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile from the sale. Monroe Feurer was here in the morning counting our hogs. 15 pigs 1 sow, checked up the papers, see if everything was correct. A man here wanted buy old gold; one here selling washing machines. Levi Gregson bought the automobile at the sale; one just like his, tire all flat, & no battery in it for $11.50. Emil pulled it home for him, behind his car. Gus Klotz came & borrowed our lime dust spreader. Mehrman got 8 doz eggs 21¢ he papa, also Metz.
Thursday, May 10, 1934
Ascenscion [sic] Day, Holiday. We went to mass at 6 o’clock. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came. The school children of Red Bud & some other schools are having an outing at Fort Chartres today, ice cream etc. Cool this morning & smoky. We went to Freeburg to see Classen. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this evening, we went down to Red Bud, the doctor wasn’t at home, then went to Miss Belle Lambert, no body home there either, so we took the new hard road & drove down to Baldwin, over the river, it is awful dangerous, it is 8 mis. from Red Bud, so went we came back, went by Miss Belle again, then they were home, just got back from St. Louis on the bus; talked awhile, then went home, grape juice & cookies were served by Miss Mary. Seen in the paper a man by Prairie du Rocher, had a quarrel with his wife, then drank gasoline & shot himself funeral Sat.
Saturday, August 15, 1931
Papa went to Belleville church this morning. Emil came down a little while. About 10 o clock this morn.- we started out for a trip, all of us, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, took our basket along. We drove to Red Bud, Ruma, Evansville, then to Mike Gross Peach orchard, & ordered 2 bus. 75¢ bu. they gave us some to take along, then we drove to New Palastine & went to Ed Hale sale, we didn’t stop long, then went to Walsh, from there to Baldwin, Preston, then to New Athens, Freeburg, where we took in the parade of 40 floats & 7 bands, sure was nice, then to Douglas, Smithon, [sic] Hecker, then had supper. We exactly covered 120 miles. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary went home. Meng got his horses this morn.
Tuesday, February 18, 1930
It is so nice and warm that we had the front doors open today. We found 17 eggs. We had company today. Mr. Kirsch was here and brought us a book of Starks Nurseries. A man from Baldwin was here and wanted to sell paint. Papa took some of our summer sausage over to Reinhenckers to smoke it for us. Uncle Matt was in town today. Mr. Rheinecker planted some sprouts trees in front of his house. Bertille baked cookies. Rosalia & Bertille washed & ironed today.
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