Went to Orlet’s; they finished cutting last nite & shocked this morn. Bert [Bertille] baked coffee cake with dewberries, & canned 2 qts. Went to Waterloo church this afternoon. Wittenauers started cutting wheat here. Mrs. Rob. Groom (Kate Birkner) is being buried this afternoon at Belleville, she died on operation table. Sure is hot, & oats bugs terrible. Louis Cawell is giving a barn dance in the new barn tonite. Susie Gal of Hills is appearing at Log Cabin with “Sons of Ozarks.”
Saturday, June 17, 1939
Saturday, April 30, 1938
Rained last nite, pretty good. Bert baked cookies, cake & pie. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came brought tomatoe plants along set out 38 in truck patch; planted pumpkins. John Reheis accessor was here. Fred Weber has a barn dance tonite, called over lines. Emil was here.
Sunday, June 20, 1937
Went to 6:30 mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. Came up this afternoon, Bert [Bertille] went along to Millstadt German pinic [sic], seen St. Louis people dance a German Polka, sure was good; met a few people that we knew; came home had supper here, then went to Paderborn to Carrie’s fish fry Skaers Orch.; & what crowd, Floraville had to close down, everybody at Paderborn. Ray Neubarth & Buettner getting married at Waterloo today. Wiegands had free barn dance last nite musci [sic] by girls of Floraville, had pretty large crowd & hot.
Saturday, Oct. 3, 1936
We had beef soup dinner. Henry & Rob were also here, he cut clover hay & put the alalafa [sic] up. Oliver Ruhel came to measure ground. Rob helped him, & stayed here. Henry’s family came this eve. to get him. Geo. Boll looked at the disk; Nic Helfrich came account of hauling coal. Mrs. Geo. Hartmann has a new barn dance tonite & pig roast, music by Rythmn [sic] Kings, Ladies free. Alois Roth & Gertie Cortner stopped in.
Wednesday, May 27, 1936
We had the 1st spring leghorn for dinner, small yet, but was pretty good; nice meal. Jac. Erle & guy were here talking house Ins; wrote the paper out, we are going to join in there Ins. Co. instead of Rapp’s at Columbia, that’s house & property Insurance. It is so hot again today, still no rain. Radio said at 5:30 this morn. it 70°. Pap got his hair cut, & also paid Dr. Eckert, $7.50 – $6. for going to Belleville, $1.50 for coming here that morning; he wouldn’t had to went to Belleville at all never, even came to see him while he was at the hospital, but he’s paid. We went out to Uncle Fred’s had supper, brought Oscar’s kids along from school; they were walking by the cemetery, took them up. Went over to Geo. Wagner’s this eve. awhile. Joe Wacthels went to a new barn dance, on Freeburg oil road, about 2 miles from Douglas tonite.
Saturday, May 23, 1936
Henry & Rob. Grover making hay, had dinner here. Mrs. C. Guebert has sale & Hubers have a sale this afternoon; nice day. Mary Mathews has birthday dance at Kammlers tonite, Ed. Mueth has one at New Athens, Brun’s boys, playing One at Log Cabin, by Red Bud Webers Orch. Lipperts has barn dance. Mrs. L. Sauer has Pautlers, Rythmn [sic] Kings. Och; so many tonite. It is Gertie Cortner’s birthday today. We went Mary’s dance here nice crowd, good time. Henry broke the axle on his wagon by Geo. Parkers going home with load hay, took 2 loads home.
Sunday, May 3, 1936
Pap 58 birthday, but he is sick, can’t walk much, Rose & Bert went to church. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came she brought roast along for dinner, boy had a real dinner. Herman Kettler & son of Paderborn came & invited us to his barn dance tonite, a new one just been build & Elmer Parker & Omar Schilling are giving a free dance at Paulter tonite, musci [sic] by Scheonborn, Schaefer & Schilling & Boy the crowd. They have a play in the school hall here, “Home Town Girl” was the name of it; we didn’t get to see it; same boys were in it.
Saturday, Aug. 3, 1935
Papa got a haircut. We had chicken dinner, dressing, today. We are invited to Donahue’s to Mauers Wedding Ann. & also to Al. Cleveland’s party. Miss Miles & set of St. Louis is coming out with the music, it is his birthday. Alb. was on the Aug. 1 celebrating all together; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rose & Berti went along to Cleveland’s barn dance 2 kegs beer, sandwiches, cake. Gents 25¢. Papa wasn’t feeling well. It rained a little this evening. we came home from the party at 1:30.
Sunday, June 30, 1935
Henry & family came, we went them all to Red Bud church, came back had lunch, & then they went out cutting oats. We dug 3 buckets potatoes so they could get the binder in the other patch of oats; had dinner lunch & supper. Leona & Berti went home, watered the stock so hot again today, cloudy & rain at Ft. Chartes. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we all went to Ed. Meng’s barn dance, Moonlighters playing, large crowd; & hot. Adm. Gents 25 ladies 15.
Wednesday, May 16, 1934
Henry, Emil, Cleveland all came again, had lunch, dinner; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary too, they also had supper, the rest not. Emil drove, worked from 7 till 6. Ed Pabst brought the lumber from down there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she went to church, they took us along, out to Ed. Parker’s barn dance, not such a very large crowd.
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