The Sunday School children & parents have basket pinic [sic] at school grounds today. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile, then we went out to the cemetery, see Mr. Scheinder, went over to Uncle Freds for dinner. It started to rain, we went home. Mr. Edler came there to see him. Clarence Weigand has a barn dance tonite, 70×30 floor, Rheinhardts musci [sic]. Uncle Adam & Emil stop on there way home, to see if we was going to work at the barn tomorrow; he told us that someone drove over Bert Thompsons heifer on the road, knock it over, but it got up again, but weak; the car didn’t stop; he also told us of a politician meeting in Kammler’s Hall last nite, keg beer treated we knew nothing about it.
Sunday, May 13, 1934
Saturday, May 12, 1934
A Public sale of household & furniture, top buggy today at Chas. P. Geodelle place 3 mis. east of Waterloo. School election today in town, relecte [sic] a director, Julius Rausch resigned after the other election. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. Rosalia & her went to Red Bud, she came up. Rosalia & her went to Red Bud, she went to doctor Pautler. Rose got chick mash. A free birthday dance at Donahue’s Inn, tonite, musci [sic] by Blossom City Boys. John Lipperts has another barn dance tonite had one last Sat. night & a large crowd, musci [sic] by Hubers Riverside Orc. Moonlighters play at Dreamland Mrs. Gus Kipping birthday, tomorrow Mothers Day, a free dance given there, musci [sic] by Pals of Harmony. Nice cool day. We went to Donahue’s tonite, & a large crowd. Mr. AuBuchon & his 2 sons & Rahn were the Blossom City Boys.
Wednesday, May 9, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up. Rosalia washed the paint in the back porch this afternoon. Otto Horn of Waterloo gave us a call. Joe Mueth of Saxtown having a barn dance, Moonlighters play.
Sunday, May 7, 1933
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & then they went along with us to Waterloo to the band consert [sic], it sure was nice the way they paraded the streets, but a rain storm came up, & knocked everything in the head, they where to play all afternoon, about 6 bands, & Columbia Drum Corps; it sure did rain somes let me tell you. Geo. Haudrich is to give a pulbic [sic] barn dance tonite. This rain sure makes the road bad out west for the funeral tomorrow afternoon.
Monday, April 24, 1933
It looked cloudy, so we didn’t wash, papa plowed the orchard. Steve came over & told us that Abe Heyl was here yesterday & looked at our pigs, Ab came this morning again, but they was to small for him, so he got some from Bill Geodell. Knappe stopp [sic] a little while this morning. Mrs. Hosto of Smithon [sic] is getting buried this afternoon at 1 o clock, to the church & from there to Summerfield; quite a few from here attended the funeral. Papa altered our 5 little pigs. Bert took 6 doz. egg off got 9¢. Clem Parker & Papenberg where here invited us to come to George Parker’s barn dance, Elmer’s birthday 19 yr. old; cake & water where served. Henry brought a calf up this evening, he said Floyd has the measles.
Friday, Oct. 7, 1932
Henry & Floyd brought a load of corn & got whey. Uncle Fred & Aung Mary where up, planted out flowers. Papa loaded a hog & took it out to Henry’s, he traded with him, Henry got 2 hogs & papa got 8 small pigs. We sold 6 doz. eggs @ 25¢ & 5½ lb. hen, @ 12 ¢, to a egg man. An alarm ring went, said that a truck load of apples selling at 75¢ bu. was coming to the square this afternoon & one that Fred Weber is going to have a barn dance musci [sic], by Ill. Roamers. I seen in the paper that John Cordy of Tiptown is sporting a new Chev, coach, traded his plymouth. Mr. Rippleymier from Waterloo was here & looked at our cow & calf, he bought it, gave papa $40.00 for both, coming to get it tomorrow afternoon.
Sunday, June 26, 1932
We went to Red Bud. It rained a good shower here this morning, but not at Red Bud. Miss Josie Keller came she had intended going to Heyl’s but they aren’t going to be at home, so she stayed here all day & evening & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where also here, for dinner, lunch & supper. We had ice cream, cake, lemonade for lunch. Then the women folks went out to see the cemetery, when we came back we stopped by Eliza Boll about an hr. Clem Parker was here & gave us all an invitation to come to Alphonse Parker’s barn dance a birthday, we didn’t go. They say there is also one in Weber’s barn, given by the Wittenauers, Lester Gregson’s wife birthday, & also Harry Kammler has one, musci [sic] by Chas. Wagner’s Rythmn [sic] Kings, Adm. 35. Kelley was here this evening & papa & him made a trade, our horse & a stock hay & $7.00 for his 2 horses. Mr. Hill was here gathered up the news. It thundered & lighten & wind this eve. rain.
Monday, June 13, 1932
We washed & ironed the truck patch, corn. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, worked a little while, then got ready for the barn dance at Jonny Kreher, he was supposed to furnish the musci [sic]. eggs 8¢, we took 21 doz. up. Vic Braun was here & brought papa the insurance paper for the house down here.
Wednesday, June 1, 1932
Gus Blackburn’s having a public barn dance tonite, Gents 25¢ Ladies free. It rained pretty heavy this afternoon. The Biebel Roofing fellows where here again today. The egg man was here & wanted to get some more chickens for 16¢. He is coming tomorrow morning to get them. Hy. Armstutz came here awhile this evening. Papa was over by Rennecker’s awhile. We planted flowers out.
Sunday, May 15, 1932
Ed Scheinder was here & took a look at the colts. Aaron Papenberg came & invited us out to Geo. Parker’s barn dance, Carol is celebrating her birthday there. The Fahey twins celebrated there birthday at Oak Grove last night, Adm. 25, Papenberg said he was there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where her awhile then went home. George Schilling was here to see papa. Mr. Branderburger & also Weber from Red Bud, where here to see the colts. We went out to Parker’s this evening, cake & cookies where served.
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