Mr. Cleveland, worked here all day, had lunch, dinner. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came awhile, he took load wheat to Red Bud again. A girl here selling house remedies. A man around from Freeburg selling straw berries & pinapples [sic], we took 10¢ box got straw berries, & Oh! Boy were they good. Rosalia went quilting by Lester Gregson’s, fire Co. donated quilt, was given by Cora Armstutz, quilted by Gregson’s. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up for church. Rosalia had supper at the quilting, 10 quilters, improved 9 patch. Cleveland stayed for supper. Pap paid Cleveland labor $8.75, 35 hrs. @ 25¢; papa will finish the rest of it.
Wednesday, May 23, 1934
Monday, May 21, 1934
Mixed concrete this morning. Rennecker came over awhile, they are going to New Athens. Mrs. is on sick list. Rose & Berti went to Red Bud, got chick mash, big picnic there this afternoon, parade, 1 o’clock, merchants are all closed, also schools, it is the Evangical [sic] Church, having dinner & supper. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came this afternoon; her & Rosalia went out to Boll’s this evening got sweet potatoe [sic] plants, 78, they have 200 ordered, we helped to plant them up here. Clara Wagner was over a while, a man around selling house remedies. Rob Mertz & Skaer started putting the roof on this morning 8 o clock – 5; they didn’t finish. Cyril Eichenseer had his nose cracked this morning, hit by baseball up at school; he has it all plastered now. Eggs 11¢ now.
Saturday, May 19, 1934
Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came helped carpenter, had lunch, dinner, lunch. Henry & family came, left kids, here. Bertille went along with them to Belleville also Mrs. Cleveland went along. Mamie & Lucinda came down awhile, & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, we went to the fire Co. dance at Kammler’s Bresacker’s Orc. Adm 25 [cents], but not much of a crowd.
Thursday, May 17, 1934
Emil, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry came this morn, had lunch & dinner; from 7 to 6. Cleveland worked this afternoon, – 1-6. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary left right after dinner, went to Adam Eckerts, Emmies birthday, he went over to see Hy. Kerber, came back here again, had supper. Mr. Rob. Mertz & family stopped on there way to Red Bud, see how far we was with the barn, he is going to put the tin roof on. Rosa sewed my dress today. A gang kids was here selling chances for a quilt to be raffled out after the childrens program, on May 24, we took one – 5¢. Mr. Chas Mehman of Belleville is sick. Hy. Braun of Hecker, worked so hard in the garden, that he is now deaf.
Wednesday, May 16, 1934
Henry, Emil, Cleveland all came again, had lunch, dinner; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary too, they also had supper, the rest not. Emil drove, worked from 7 till 6. Ed Pabst brought the lumber from down there. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up, she went to church, they took us along, out to Ed. Parker’s barn dance, not such a very large crowd.
Tuesday, May 15, 1934
We ironed, patched. Nice again today after the rain. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family, Emil, Mr. Cleveland, were here for lunch, dinner, lunch. Robert got a fish, took it along home. Uncle also for supper, all worked on barn, all standing & nailed shut, on sides; Rosalia cut her a dress out. Aunt Mary was talking to Frieda Bueheler, she told her, they were going to move on Skaer’s place, were Bill Geodelle now lives, he is going to move, on Threfall’s farm; some moving around Oh! Boy.
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