Saturday, July 29, 1939

Pap cutting weeds. Went to barber this morn. Smithton got homecoming today, parade 6 ‘ clock. Threshing some places today. Nice cool. Wagner boys went with Eichenseers to see ball game in St. Louis this afternoon. Went to Smithton Homecoming, got to late for parade; awful crowd present. The Pontiac went to Belleville.

Saturday, Sept. 7, 1935

Papa went out to Henry’s, Hempe Bros. were there wanted to buy team mares, but didn’t have the cash; Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Bertille went to Marrissa this afternoon to Barbecue pinic [sic] & Homecoming, had a nice program at 1 & 3 o’clock; people were strange they had supper here. All children & adults of Evansville, Prairie Du Rocher, Baldwin, & Hecker were invited over to Sportsman’s Park to see ball game, Adm. 25¢ over 17 yrs. of age, under free, they went with 3 truck loads from here Wittenauer’s, Hills & Eichenseers 25¢ ride, left at 12 & came back 6:15. Henry was up & got the hay rake.

Friday, July 5, 1935

Baked bread. Papa went to Belleville. Tipton congregation had chicken supper yesterday; & Mr. Walsh student of Holy Priesthood here selling papers, we took it Catholic Extension Magazine $3.00 yr. rosary with it. he is selling that, to help the missions. Henry came & cut & raked hay. had dinner & lunch. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up this evening she got her dress from Mrs. Staufenbiel’s. Sure hot 105 this aternoon. The Waterloo paper has that while Clyde Crowe was playing ball Sun. afternoon, in running after a foul ball, his pants caught fire, but it was put out & no damage was done; & another guy stepped on a rabbit & killed it some exciting ball game they lost track of the score. Harrisonville won all both game here with Hecker last Sun.

Sunday, Sept. 24, 1933

Eddler from St. Louis was here to see Fred Birkner on business; he went out to see him they where up this afternoon, had supper here. We went to Brezzy Hill to dance, Moonlighter’s played, had a good time. ladies free & also chicken soup, it was hot! Martin Doyles had a shooting match, but not may people there, didn’t raffle a one they say. A negro camp team played Hecker, 1 bear cats; 6 to 7 favor Hecker.


Sunday, July 9, 1933

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here for chick dinner; a man here bought 4 doz. eggs @ 12¢; it rained all afternoon in showers, no ball game, the married men where to play Blue Caps. Jonny Whiteside’s little 5 yrs. old girl died, got operated on appendix, & died, the funeral will be tomorrow afternoon, & also Joe Huber, the auctioneer died & be buried tomorrow. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & Rosalia & Berti rode along down to John Whiteside, but they didn’t have the girl at home, on account of roads, she is at Kochs undertaking parlor, so we went there to see it, looks pretty, dressed in white, her name is Dorthy, a 5 yrs. old; there where few people came in & out, while we was there, about hr. Some people wanted egg.

Sunday, July 2, 1933

Rosalia, Bertille, Mamie, Pete went down to the ball game this afternoon Kochs bakeries playing Hecker, 14 to 0 in favor of Belleville, they just played about half, it was to hot. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where up for supper, & evening. It got cooler tonite.

Sunday, June 25, 1933

Jonny Roscow rode along to Red Bud with us. Rosalia & Bertille & Mamie went to the ball game this afternoon in Hecker, this time they lost for the first time so far, playing with Belleville, 2 to 7 & little team played Evansville small team & got white washed 5 to 0. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up from here. They went to the birthday of Mrs. Mike Armstutz; they also had an invitation to Rapps fish fry Ivone’s birthday. The Singerfest of St. Louis had there pinic [sic] at Millstadt today. Miss Hilda Wilhelm & Len Gartz where married at Red Bud at 4 o clock, in the Evangical [sic] church there. Marianna Fritsche was to be flower girl but she wouldn’t do it after they got there; the dance is 4 miles from Darmstadt in Smith Hall.

Sunday, June 4, 1933

We where at church. Henry came to Red Bud to around Palls corner, he went to church to, then him & papa went to Prairie Du Rocher again by Laurent to look at his mare & colt again. Ed. Schilling & Forness was published second time, & Auther [sic – Arthur] Moehrs Red Bud & Isabella Kalmer Tiptown first time. Gregson’s stoped [sic] in as they went home from church & brought a t puzzle; we worked it out already; if it is right we don’t know. Ralph Etling came & paid balance on Int. $25.85 it is now paid for 1932. We ate lunch by Uncle Freds this afternoon. Tiptown & Heckers ball team played today in the new diamond here in town. now, Hecker won 5 to 6. We drove out to Henry’s to look at the mare & cold that he traded on his cow, they wasn’t at home, so we went back again, drove out to the cemetery, around the prairie home; Uncle Fred’s went to Hy. Birkner’s birthday. We went up to Kabureck’s dance this evening, oh! boy & a good time, lot of people, hall was crowded, Rheinhardt furnished musci [sic]. The road men worked at Schender’s today, leveing [leveling?] that all of along there the road looks so much different, the hills cut down nearly all level there.

Sunday, May 3, 1931

Today Papa is 53 yrs. old.  Ike Napier was here & brought some cheese for Aunt Mary a bowl full.  Today is also Mamie Mueth’s birthday, she is 17 yrs. old.  Uncle Fred, Aunt Mary, Henry & family where here for dinner & lunch we had chicken dinner.  Henry & Leona went home & did the feeding & left the kids here, we all went to the truck patch.  In the evening Henry & Leona & Aunt Mary, Rosalia Bertille went to church.  Bill & Creses where out too.  The evening was spent in playing music, singing, cake & Beer where refreshments served.  Hecker & Belleville baseball club played today.  Belleville won in a score of 18 to 4.