Labor Day. Rosalia’s 22 yr. birthday. It is little cloudy. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came & we went to Red Bud, seen the parade there, then went to Tipton pinic [sic], had supper, stayed for the dance. Koehler’s Ors. furnished music for afternoon & eve, the Waterloo band came there & played from Red Bud, all on bus, they got 100 glass beer, then went to Valemeyer, got the rest there. Chas. Jung treated them to ball. beer. Pretty large crowd present; at the pinic [sic].
Saturday, May 10, 1930
Today there is sale up in town, they are selling the post lamps and old lanterns and all such like. Bertille washed the machine this afternoon. Rosalia was up town & took the eggs. She got .19¢ a dozen. Rosalia & Bertille, Anna & Alvera Braun clean the church this morning. Lena Meng was over a little while this evening. She brought Rosalia her dress over. She took $2.00 to make it. There is a dance tonite at Adolph Rittemeyers barn. We heard he made 90 gals. beer for tonight. It rained this evening.
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