Ironed curtains, patched. Roman Meng the acessor [sic] was here. Steve Rennecker brought the boards back what he got for papering. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came Bert went along to Waterloo to Wihelm’s sale, bought flower pots, got free can paint at Hamacher’s, advertising, also got chance to win 3 articles to be raffled tonite there. Received the benefit check – $102.03. Raining & colder this eve. Literary in Public School tonite; speaking by H. Hill, Sup of Schools of Belleville. Birkners Och. & Dor. & Osc. Lippert. Eggs .20¢ today. Wheat $1.39.
Thursday, April 8, 1937
Filed Under: 1937, April, Tillie's News Diaries from the 1930s Tagged With: accessor, Aunt Mary, Belleville, benefit_check, Birkners_Orchestra, chores, eggs, Hamacher, Hill, Lippert, Meng, Public_School, raffle, Rennecker, sale, School_Superintendent, Uncle Fred, Waterloo, wheat, Wilhelm
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