Sunday, April 19, 1936

Beautiful day, warm, no rain not so far. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped after church awhile. Mr. Geo Siefert of Red Bud died Fri, will be buried tomorrow morn. 9 o’clock mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Mrs. Amanda Reheis & Josie Keller all stopped in, then went to the play, they were visiting Uncle this afternoon, the play was good “Bertie Cave Man,” was the name, players were Rallin & Clarence, Lyle, Vernice, Marjorie Rausch, Floyd Thompson, Hard Wagner, Alsace Eckert; use after the play musci [sic] by Wild Cat String Busters,” that Brun’s boys, Lav. Mueth & Lyle Rausch & boy was it a crowd; Adm 35¢. Arlene Klotz is getting along well.