We went out picking dew berries, got 8 gals. gave Leona 4 Aunt Mary one; we where at Uncle Freds for dinner, went over to get some cherries; she has 22 qts. so far. Henry & family where up & got the mule this morning. Biebels where here this afternoon. Henry started in cutting wheat this afternoon; we cleaned the berries, & caned 4 qts. cold packed, & made 16 glasses jelley. Clara Wagner & kids came over this evening; she wants to buy some soap grease from us. eggs still 7¢ yet. Victor Braun was down & brought Ins. policy on our house; it is $24.74 this time, raised since last year, papa him.
Monday, June 6, 1932
We had wash day. It is awful hot. The School children of the Catholic School had, a play last night. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where here awhile, they are working in town today. Mr. Biebel & a truck from Vandalia came this morning & got the other colt, took it over to Meng’s & loaded it. Hy. Armstutz got our rake & brought it back again this afternoon. An eye doctor was around this morning. eggs are 8¢, papa took 12 doz. off.
Saturday, May 28, 1932
Papa went down to see Hy. Armstutz, this morn, to see if he could get the team & mower, so this afternoon he got it & cut all his hay & cheat [?] of. Henry & Emil where here & got a hog. Mr. Biebel & 3 more guys from Belleville where here & looked at the colt, he would give $65. There where 3 more fellows here, 2 from Jennington Mo. & the other from Cowell’s place & looked at the colts. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary where at Monroe City at a sale. Mrs. Wilde. We went out to their place this evening, listened to the radio, dances all over to nite, Bill Sensel’s, Nic Cortner’s barn dance, Weber’s Wedding dance in Dab’s Clubhouse by Smithon [sic], Hy. Weber & Mary Crowk. I seen Arthur Stehl & Anna Herzog license in the paper, 27 & 21. Papa went to Hy. Armstutz & got the team, & mower, & took it back agin [sic] this evening.
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