Thursday, June 15, 1933

We went out picking dew berries, got 8 gals. gave Leona 4 Aunt Mary one; we where at Uncle Freds for dinner, went over to get some cherries; she has 22 qts. so far. Henry & family where up & got the mule this morning. Biebels where here this afternoon. Henry started in cutting wheat this afternoon; we cleaned the berries, & caned 4 qts. cold packed, & made 16 glasses jelley. Clara Wagner & kids came over this evening; she wants to buy some soap grease from us. eggs still 7¢ yet. Victor Braun was down & brought Ins. policy on our house; it is $24.74 this time, raised since last year, papa him.

Monday, June 20, 1932

We washed, ironed, picked beans & canned them. The Bieble Roofing guys where here & got the balance $20.00 for the barn roof. Hy Stalheber was here & brought a check for Uncle Fred, from his son John. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this afternoon, they had lunch here. Henry Metzer & son where here look at the horse. there was a fellow around with yeast foam advertising. eggs 9¢. We canned, 3 cans beans.