Went to mass. Cool today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary stayed awhile. AuBuchon & Purtle were published at Red Bud for 1st time this morn. Floraville has pinic [sic] & Home Coming today & chicken dinner & supper, the church. Belleville street fair which was to be last nite is posponed [sic] till today & nite; on account of rain last nite. Hubbard came back again today, wanted to see mule; but was to late didn’t go to Henry’s, coming again some time later to see it. Clem Parker & Lar. Kaiser giving birthday dance at Kammler’s tonite. Adm. 25 [cents]. Happy Ramblers playing, nice crowd. Bill & Bert [Bertille] went to Floraville pinic [sic], they had open air dance. Schmidt’s playing, to cold for pinic; crowd was pretty fair in afternoon, but not as good in evening to cold. Greg Neff’s had their baby girl christened at Paderborn this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Karban sponsor, called it Dorothy.
Sunday, Sept. 11, 1938
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were here all morn. went home. Emil was here awhile too; he is invited out to Cleveland’s celebrating Grovers 21 yr. birthday, which is tomorrow. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came brought lawn mower back, fixed it up. from here they went to Leo’s. Mary Braun & Doris Peiffer having birthday dance at Daabs tonite Schmidts playing. Adm. 25 [cents].
Wednesday, April 27, 1938
Windy, not as hot. Bert [Bertille] sewed lettuce etc. Baked cream pie. Euchre & card party at Paderborn tonite; Bert [Bertille] went got dish, playing bluey had 2 games; Hy Kettler played for dance, not very much, no crowd. Elmer Parker, & Vincent Klein, have a birthday dance at Kammler’s tonight; Jake Schoenborn played Adm. 25 [cents] pretty good crowd. Rained a little this eve. Awful dust storm this afternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Perry May were here this eve; till 11:30. The Wedding that was here at Hecker, by Fr. Aydt last Tues morn, was Walter Kunkel & Brauch girl. Joe daughter, both of Tipton, never were published, are anything, May said that. Harry Wittenauer was here this afternoon; on business.
Saturday, Nov. 20, 1937
Cold 20 to be 16 tonite. Schmidt delivered egg mash & articles. Triple birthday dance at Keims at Floraville tonite. Bert [Bertille] got mail & paid the bill. Henry & family came this eve.; we played 2 games pinochle. Snowing a little.
Sunday, Jan. 10, 1937
Went to mass. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Henry & family were all here for dinner & supper. Aunt Mary & Rosalia went to Lizzie Boll’s. We went to Pautlers tonite, Herb Probst & Eugene Neff birthday dance, sure a big crowd. Skaer Bros. played. Adm. 25¢.
Saturday, Dec. 26, 1936
Cleaned. Rained a little, warm & cloudy. We got a electric lamp from J. Keller for Christmas bucket style. We got an invitation for Is. Helfrichs birthday dance at Floraville at Kern’s tonite, also is V. Cortner’s. Advent is over, dances start again, Oak Grove has one, give $1. for attendance price every hr. tonite. Pautler’s has double birthday dance tomorrow nite all free. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner, he went to Waterloo & to Red Bud this afternoon. Played cards.
Sunday, Oct. 18, 1936
Mission Sun. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here awhile. Omer brought 2 fish here this afternoon & boy we had fish fry, sure were good, couldn’t eat it all. People from South of Red Bud looked at the heifers. E. Rieso & W. Mueth have birthday dance at Pautlers. The Hecker bank was sold at Public Auction in Waterloo, Court House last Sat. Yesterday Ed. Weber bought the building $500. Articles that was in it & safe Burkhardt of Red Bud got for $35.00 & 80 acres farm. Wolf real estate agent got $1300 & 40 acres Weber $800.
Saturday, Sept. 19, 1936
Rained this afternoon. Pap went to Valmeyer to Allotff sale, things brought good price, team mules $400. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped in, they went to Plenger’s sale by Round Prairie, that was a cheap sale. Oscar Birkner bought 106 acres farm, Miller place, were Grahlerrs now fines. $5,800. We went to Floraville to Jac. Reheis birthday dance. music by Schoenborn & Skairs. Gents 25¢.
Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1936
We baked bread, etc; canned pickles. Mr. Eichenseer & the Fairbank Morse Co. man, was here yesterday advertising electric radios, refrigerator etc; had everything in a trailer house; seem pretty. Pap went over to Geo. Wagner, he is making garden fence. Had a nice rain this morn, cooler now, wind in the north. Sure lot flies these days. Miss Loretta Kraft is giving a birthday dance at Paulter tonite, musci [sic] by Del Rose Trio Gents 25 ladies free, we went in, nice crowd.
Sunday, Sept. 13, 1936
Went to Red Bud. Ben & Omer, Berti, & Levi Ganley, & Fr. Aydt. Frank Kroel attended the Murphysboro 2nd. Catholic Congress, sure nice drive, 60 miles, it was held at the Riverside Park, beautiful place, but it was so hot. Rose & Leo & some more attended at Scothfield to see the place & then went to Louis Kaiser at Trenton. All went to Floraville tonite, Arthur Metiomanus birthday dance, & what a crowd, & heat. Eichenseers brought a electric radio down to try out, for awhile; then got it again.
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