Sunday, Aug. 23, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary stopped awhile after mass. There 38th wedding Anniv. The Hecker Catholic church pinic [sic] cleared $800. & Red Bud on ice cream social $300. all pretty good. We went to Pautlers to Al. Einwich birthday dance, Rythmn [sic] Kings Gents 25 ladies free, had pretty nice crowd. Alvis Roth had a collision, coming out of the Douglas road & didn’t stop, got knocked of machine a total wreck.

Sunday, Aug. 9, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary had lunch here, went home came back again this afternoon went to the pinic [sic], Evangical [sic] church; pinic [sic] Floraville Band in afternoon & Schmidt at nite. We had a watermelon eating this evening then all went to the pinic [sic], had large crowd. Mr. Fred Kern of Waterloo had accident in Hecker at Mertz store, car coming from the south, both were damaged a little, but nobody hurt. There is a free birthday dance at Pautler & wedding dance at Dreamland.

Saturday, Aug. 8, 1936

Pap went to Belleville this afternoon. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came, went to the sale at Smithton. Triple birthday dance at Pautler’s tonite, Rythum [sic] Kings Orch. Adm. 25 Ladies free.

Sunday, June 28, 1936

Went to early mass. Mrs. Alice Parrot died this morn. will be buried Tues. morn. at Red Bud, nee Murphy. Floyd Pabst has a free birthday dance at Kammler’s tonite, musci [sic] by Webers, all free tonite, musci [sic] by Carle’s Orch., a free dance at Paderborn. We went to Donahue’s first then to Hecker, good crowd both places. We went to Uncle Fred’s & Aunt Mary’s had dinner & supper there, they came up here this evening went to Pabsts dance. Awful hot.

Sunday, June 21, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here had chicken dinner. Holy Name Conference in Hecker, in school hall this afternoon. We took chances on quilt at Red Bud to be raffled; took 3 of them. A free double birthday dance at Pautler tonite, Rythm [sic] Knig [sic] playing. Wasther [unclear] Leaugue [sic] Convention at Red Bud today. Rained a little shower.

Sunday, May 24, 1936

Henry’s birthday 32 yrs. We went to Red Bud 6 o’clock mass. The Bishop comes there at 10:30, we didn’t go down for confirmation, there was a class of 22 children & 7 adults. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Josie Keller were here all day, dinner supper, she was out at Aunt Mary’s all nite last nite; came about 9 o clock. Omer & we went to Foster Pond to free birthday dance tonite.

Saturday, May 23, 1936

Henry & Rob. Grover making hay, had dinner here. Mrs. C. Guebert has sale & Hubers have a sale this afternoon; nice day. Mary Mathews has birthday dance at Kammlers tonite, Ed. Mueth has one at New Athens, Brun’s boys, playing One at Log Cabin, by Red Bud Webers Orch. Lipperts has barn dance. Mrs. L. Sauer has Pautlers, Rythmn [sic] Kings. Och; so many tonite. It is Gertie Cortner’s birthday today. We went Mary’s dance here nice crowd, good time. Henry broke the axle on his wagon by Geo. Parkers going home with load hay, took 2 loads home.

Sunday, May 17, 1936

Mrs. Staufenbiel came & went along with Rose & Bert to church, had Solemn Communion at 7:30 mass, 6 boys & 6 girl, 1 boy took sick, & also 1 girl, Martha Agnes McDermott who is at hospital in E. St. Louis for appendix, also Keoinstein of below Hecker is over there, pretty bad. Bill’s daughter, she is young yet. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, Clara & Agnes Gregson stopped from church. Ed. Meng Katie Klotz, all called here a short while to see pap, also Joe & Josie Alberta Gregson on there way home from Waterloo, stopped. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came back this evening again. It rained pretty good here, this eve. The baseball team has a dance at Kammlers Schmidts Merrymakers musci [sic]; the crowd wasn’t so large we heard. Omer came & we went to Pautler’s to Mrs. Martin Karban’s birthday dance, Rythm [sic] Kings musci [sic]. Gents 25¢ ladies free. Nice crowd.

Sunday, Feb. 9, 1936

Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here for dinner & supper. Omer Schilling was here this afternoon; We went to Pautler’s to a free double birthday dance tonite, big crowd. Rythmn [sic] Kings playing; Also was a free dance at Donahue’s but wasn’t very much; Dreamland had to close up to. Mr. Ed Frisch & Parrot was here looked at our horse.

Saturday, Jan. 18, 1936

Cold this morning, getting colder, radio said zero by tomorrow morning. Henry & boys were here, they crushing done. People from the other side of Belleville Klielpomp was here looking for sow & pigs, but ours was already sold. Eggs went up 1¢ on the radio today. There is a birthday dance at Pautlers, musci [sic] by Rythm [sic] Kings. Gents 25 ladies free. Pat May has one at Donahue’s. We listened to the radio till 10 o’clock, boy!