Rose [Rosalia] brought Marita, going to make hay this afternoon. We went up, pap had to help, had lunch & supper, made 3 loads. Henry birthday today 35 yrs. oled, & also there [Henry and Leona] 11 wedding Ann. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary were up; plowed there lot, put it in corn, had our horse to work. Our baby chiks [sic] stilling dying, going to use Walkohl tablets now in drinking water. Bill [Klein] came & took Bert [Bertille] along to Henry’s birthday. Geodelles & Clevelands were there, cake was served.
Saturday, Jan. 21, 1939
Pap went up to mass of Mary Grossheim funeral, pretty large, pallbearers were Gus Kabureck & son, Fred Neff, Con. Mueth, Jake Schaefer & Henry & one pap didn’t know. Frs. Orlet & Fr. Ratermann assisted Fr. Aydt; Mary wanted that way; Fr. Aydt made a very nice sermon, praised her. she was awful generous towards the parish, she bought & donated The Mother of Perpetual Help Statue. Josie Keller came out bout 11 o’clock had dinner here, called Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary to come up, played cards all afternoon & part of eve. All had supper here, she brought a cake out for A. [Aunt] Marys birthday celebrating it today. Hecker general telephone meeting brought a quite a few people to town this afternoon to elect officers & operator. Lizzie Boll received it again against Geo. Wagner 14 – Rapp 5. Lizzie got 23 votes.
Thursday, Dec. 15, 1938
Went butchering at Henry’s, so did Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary; was done by 2 o’clock; with sausage & everything. Berniece Wagner got 1 doz. eggs; she is going to have birthday celebration, Sat. afternoon, 11 classmates; her birthday is Monday. So many people have rabbit fever. Chas. Schillings called there girl Rose Mary. Went to Orlets, played cards, had lunch.
Saturday, Nov. 5, 1938
Isn’t so cold after the rain. Bert [Bertille] 24 yr. birthday. Wittenauers brought load corn shocked here today. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary, Henry’s family, Leo & family were here this eve. played cards, had popcorn, lemonade, wine & cake, apples etc.
Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1938
Bert [Bertille] cleaned front room took of [off] screens. Mr. Watson timber man living on Emil’s place, here on business. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary & Bert [Bertille] went to Belleville this afternoon. We went out to Leona’s birthday 28 yrs. old; those present were Mr. Gus Geodelle & family & Dan Geodelle & family, Kate Friedrich, Mr Cleveland & Mrs. Walter & Hilda Reheis & Armie. Adolph Klube & family, New Athens, house full; people all night, had 1/8 beer, cake, drinks, musci [sic] etc.
Tuesday, Aug. 2, 1938
Washed, ironed. Billy’s [Willis] 5 yr. birthday today. Hy. Armstutz came got coop chickens old hens we shipped 24. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary over here. Oscar Goedelle was buried yesterday at Waterloo. We went out to Henry’s Billy’s birthday; had cake & cherry juice. Cleveland’s, Geodelle’s, Orlets families were present, music & singing.
Friday, March 25, 1938
Cloudy & cool this morn. hot this afternoon. Bert [Bertille] cleaned etc; sacked load wheat went to Waterloo 21 bus. got 77 [cents] pap went home. Bert got permanent by Colonial Beauty Shop came home with Leo & Rose [Rosalia] they were in from 11 till 3:30; & going back this eve. again. Uncle Fred & A. [Aunt] Mary came to get her coat by Mamie’s. We went out to Henry’s celebrated Rob. birthday; Geodells came out this eve. to, they were at Waterloo at the wake last nit to so had birthday today had cake etc. Started in lightening, getting bleak went home.
Monday, Nov. 18, 1935
Henry & Leona, Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were here butchered 2, one for us & 242 lbs. & one for Uncle Freds 250 lbs; the boys went to school; Uncle Fred took load home & came back again for supper; it is his birthday 61 yrs. old, we went out this evening. Henry & family, Chris Buehlers family & Oscar Birkner & 2 boy’s & Kenneth Neff, were there, played pinochle, games, sang songs, had cake, cookies. Fredrick Fritsch was here wanted eggs, we had none. Hy. Armstutz brought load corn. Hecker school has visiting day; no school here.
Friday, Aug. 2, 1935
Billy [Willis] 2 yr. birthday. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary, stopped on their way to Adam Eckert’s threshing. Nice cool this morning. Papa & Rose went out to Henry’s, look at the wheat; Leona hauled some of got 81¢ at Waterloo, it is 86¢. The boss timber man was here. Clerk Al Gaven got a 13 lb. ham, 35¢ this afternoon. At the prize dance at Oak Grove last Sat. night Jim Tobin & Leona Vogt won the prize waltz $2.50 & all a fox trot prize of $2.50 was won by Eugene Flym of Burskville & girl of Evansville. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came here from threshing. We went out to Henry’s. Billy’s birthday, took 10¢ ice along & made 1½ ice cream; us & Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were the only ones there.
Friday, May 24, 1935
Henry’s birthday & wedding Ann. 31 yrs. & 7 yrs. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary were up all day had lunches & dinner here. We worked garden. Henry came & cut hay, had lunch. School kids was here selling tickets for there play on May 31; we didn’t take none. 25 Adm. Planted out tomatoes & sweet potatoes plants; Went out to Henry’s birthday this evening, had cake, we & Uncle Fred & Aunt were the only ones present; took cabbage plants along.
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