We washed, ironed. Papa is plowing the chicken yard. Uncle Fred Aunt Mary came up this afternoon. She went up to Laut’s, Mrs. invited her to come to Kammler’s Hall this evening. Phil Zatho celebrating his 60 yr. old birthday, so we went to the hall this eve, not a very big crowd there, Blackburn furnished musci [sic], cake & beer where served.
Monday, May 2, 1932
Papa went out to help Henry haul logs, he had lunch, dinner, lunch there. We washed, ironed, clean basement. Robert Laut’s are moving in there house in Hecker today, Phil Braun, Al. Geodells have trucks, & George Henkel, George Boll, are helping, Blackburn’s, Clevelands also.
Tuesday, December 1, 1931
We went out to Henry’s butchering the old sow. We stayed for supper, papa & Rosalia went home & done the feeding, then came back for supper, then he fixed the meat sugar cured. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary helped too. Uncle Adam’s butched [sic] one today to, got it from Blackburn’s.
Sunday, Sept. 13, 1931
We went to Smithon [sic] church. Aunt Mary went to Hecker, he was pretty loud again today for being sick all week. Bill Freund was here & gave us an invite to George Freund’s Sun. night for a dance. Wiegands boy’s invited us for a dance at the brick house Wed. night. Rosalia & Bertille went up to see Mamie & Angela this afternoon. This evening we went to see Joe Watchel’s little boy, Papa went over to Wagners awhile. They are chivarie Frank Krolls tonight. Edwin Watchel is giving a dance at the brick house tonight. Gus, Blackburn & Roy Stauenbiel playing musci [sic].
Thursday, August 13, 1931
There is a sale at Ruma this afternoon. Papa went & took Ed. Meng along. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary also went, they didn’t stay very long, & went over to Christ Buehler’s threshing oats today. In the evening they came back here again, then we all went out to Roy Satanfbiel, Hilda’s birthday, Adam Eckerts, Charles Coop’s, where all there. Ice cream, cake, lemonade, where the refreshments served. It is Also Eunice Blackburn’s birthday.
Wednesday, July 15, 1931
Leona & the kids where here for lunch this morning. We heard that George Parker’s baby Virgil died, they had him at the hospital, had trouble with the teeth, they wouldn’t come through. We cleaned the chicken house, papa is setting posts. Henry went threshing today. The machine was by Parker’s yesterday, but account of the baby died, they moved up to Kemp’s & are threshing there now, & from there to August Blackburns’s. There was lady here this morning selling a bottle vanilla for 99¢ & a set sugar bowl & pitcher. We washed the machine this afternoon & fixed the tire. Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary came up this evening, they told us about Pete Hoffman, from Mayestown, he was driving a wagon & fell off & broke his back, the horses ran away. A man down by Red Bud, they didn’t know his name he was ground all to pieces through the seperator [sic]. Mr. Keonig from Columbia was here, he was the guy that was looking for the score book, ball games. He took it along. Henry had found that book by the school house some place.
Sunday, May 31, 1931
Papa & Bertille went to Smithton to church this morning, it is nice there, we seen quite a few people that we knowed. Henry & family where here for dinner. This evening Uncle Fred & Aunt Mary & Henry’s family & Bill came, & we all went to the Brick House, the boy’s stayed here with papa. The Hecker All Stars gave the dance, music from Belleville, & also Uncle Fred. Adm. was gents 25 ladies 15¢. Hecker ball team played Evansville today & Hecker won. Gus Blackburn & Roy Stauenbiel played at a barn dance at Wagner’s, by Red Bud this evening. There was also a barn dance by Joe Haudrich’s, by Rheinhardt’s musci [sic].
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